b'One thing of note is that not only are we exempt from future tariffs, but those that paid tariffs during that tariff period have an opportunity to reclaim those tariffs with the proper paperwork and procedures, Gale said. Gales final note was a positive one: thanking all the members, as seed was identified as an essential role in the United States. Our industry has continued to overcome a number of hur-dles, he said. Last year wasnt a great year for a number of our farmers and has added to that financial stress. Working within the COVID rules has been very confusing because of all the dif-ferent government regulations. The work you do is not easy, but it is critical. Everyone has stepped up to the task at hand.New Officers for a New Year Mary Smith and Wayne Parrott were both awarded the During the virtual annual meeting, one of the tasks was toDistinguished Service Award at the PLDC Virtual.approve the incoming officers on the ASTA leadership team. The new leadership officers elected to serve in ASTA posi-tions were: Vice President, Central Region: Dan Foor, La Crosse Seed Second Vice Chair: Jim Schweigert, Gro Alliance First Vice Chair: Brad May, BASF Chair: John Latham, Latham Hi-Tech SeedsReplacing Wayne Gale as ASTA chair for the 2020-2021 year is John Latham, president of Latham Hi-Tech Seeds. And, even though the ceremony was virtual, there was still the ceremonial passing of the gavel. Its a true honor for me to follow in your footsteps, Wayne, as I carry on this legacy that my late father did before me, Latham said.On behalf of all of ASTAs members and the global seed industry, I want to thank Wayne Gale for his tireless leader- A U.S. flag, flown over the Capitol on his birthday, and a Canadian flag, ship over the past, highly unprecedented, year, Latham said.flown over the Canadian Embassy, were gifted to Chair Wayne Gale.As many of you know, my family has a long and rich history of involvement with this association, and Im so grateful to have theConsidering there are so many in the organization who opportunity to continue the tradition of service in this leadershipcontribute so much, its always difficult to narrow it down just role. Our industry, not unlike so many others, is certainly in theto one, Gale said. Honorary members distinguish themselves midst of challenging times, and I do not take this new role lightly.through leadership, vision and service. They set the highest However, I know that this great industryas weve always done instandard for all ASTA members.the pastwill continue to rise to the occasion and find new, inno- This year, there were two recipients of the ASTA Honorary vative solutions to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. Lifetime Member Award: Tom Moore of HM. CLAUSE and Bernice Slutsky of ASTA. ASTA Awards Moore is retiring this year, after having served the seed Towards the end of the meeting, Gale presented the ASTAindustry for 24 years. He has been a consistent leader within Distinguished Service Award to two ASTA members: MaryASTA, participating on numerous committees including Smith of the Arkansas State Plant Board and Wayne Parrott ofthe Phytosanitary Committee, the International Executive the University of Georgia.Committee and the Emerging Diseases Committee. He also Serving as the Arkansas State Seed Division Director andserved as ASTA representative to the International Seed Seed Control Official since 1990, Smith is retiring after her longFederation Phytosanitary Committee.years of dedicated service during which she made significantSlutsky, having served on the ASTA staff as senior vice presi-contributions to the seed industry. dent for Innovation for the past 15 years, is entering retirement. Parrott has been a tireless advocate in efforts to reach theThe coordination and focus that Slutsky brought to the associa-public, elected and regulatory communities to address evolvingtion enhanced ASTAs strong leadership role in furthering policy plant breeding methods, including testifying before Congressaround emerging and evolving plant breeding innovation; intel-and serving in a recent Plant Breeding Innovation session for fed- lectual property rights policies regarding plant genetic resources; eral regulators in Washington, D.C. and international trade and policy. Finally, Gale presented the Honorary Lifetime Member Award,Be sure to be on the lookout for more news concerning the which is an award that dates back to 1907.registration and locations ASTAs upcoming conferences.SW56/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2020'