b'PHOTOS: GOTHAM GREENSGreenhouses at Gotham Greens specifically allow a reliable and safe supply of fresh produce year-around while using less water and land in comparison to conventional farming. gested area devoid of fresh produce, foringly recognizing the reliability, example, Barto says.consistency and premium quality Crop variety and potential is also aof a produce supply that is pos-consideration. sible with crops grown under protected Vertical farms typically focus on leafycover.greens; short height, low light, quick seed- Gotham Greens uses hydroponichigh-technology greenhouse uses water to-harvest time, Barto says.systems with 100% renewable electric- and nutrients efficiently. Giacomelli says that while leafy greensity-powered greenhouses. In 2011, the are the most commonly seen, technicallycompany built the first commercial scaleFarming in the Futureanything can be grown in a greenhouse ifrooftop greenhouse facility in the UnitedDespite their benefits and trending inter-the growing compartments and budgetStates at their first location in Brooklyn.est from consumers, greenhouse-grown are large enough. Hes demonstrated thatSince then, Gotham Greens has expandedgreens dont represent a large portion with the success of his work on the Mars- its presence with eight greenhousesof the food consumers eat every day. Lunar greenhouse. Its about balancinglocated in five U.S. states up and downIn fact, its a relatively tiny percentage, the bottom line with the benefits.the East Coast and into the Midwest andalthough it is increasing.Mountain regions. Gotham Greens nowGiacomelli estimates that 60-70% of Closer to Consumers distributes its produce and fresh foodfresh market tomatoes for the United Urban agriculture is gaining in popularityproducts to more than 30 states to thou- States are produced in controlled environ-as it addresses sustainability concerns bysands of grocery stores, restaurants andments in the United States, Mexico and reducing dependence on fossil fuels forfoodservice operations. Canada.transportation and increases food secu- Puri believes that freshness is oneThe greenhouse industry is not in rity in underserved areas.major greenhouse benefit.competition with the field crop industry. Viraj Puri, co-founder and chief execu- For many parts of the country, itsIts parallela different product, a differ-tive officer of Gotham Greens, believesdifficult to get fresh, local produce all yearent price point, and with different chal-greenhouses shine by bringing produc- round, he says, mentioning that 95% oflenges, Giacomelli says.tion closer to consumers.lettuce grown in the United States comesStill, Puri believes there are lessons to Greenhouses allow us to grow a reli- from California and Arizona.be learned from the greenhouse systems able and safe supply of fresh produceIn addition, this model has some note- successes. all-year-round using less water and lessworthy benefits to the companys overallGiven current pressures on the U.S. land compared to conventional farm- carbon footprint as well. Rooftop green- food system, one thing is clear: the impor-ing, Puri says. At the same time, retailershouse locations have plenty of sunlighttance of strengthening our countrys and foodservice operators are increas- so less artificial light is needed, and thefood supply chain through decentralized, 60/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2020'