b'SINCE 1915 The first issue of Seed World was published in 1915. Here the editors will take you back in time to explore the numbers, news and issues that impacted the seed industryall covered by Seed World.1915 192019251926193019351936194019421945194919501955 19601965196619701972197519801985199019952000200520102015Auxin, a plantDiscovered that seleniumGrowth regulation abilityMethods developed toAgate alfalfa hormone,is absorbed from rootsof 2,4-D discovered;remove off-taste inreleased.discovered. and carried to the foliagechemical was later widelysoybean oil.where it kills aphids. used as an herbicide.A MOMENT IN TIMEAs this April 1966 issues cover stated, Seedsmen are not lagging behind today when it comes to modernizing their seed plants. Our front cover picture showing the magnetic starts which control the seed corn drying operation in the Funk Bros. Seed Co. plant at Belle Plaine, Iowa, is indicative of this trend. This issue also featured a story on Seeds, Trade and the FIS. The Federation Internationale du Commerce des Semences (FIS) was a precursor to the International Seed Federation (ISF) and was formed in the 1920s to promote increased seed business between countries through setting up standards for seeds and for seed sampling, labeling, grading, testing, packaging and rules for trading. FACTS AND FIGURES FROM THIS 1966 ISSUE:2.6million is the number of pounds of seed imported into Canada in January 1966.46is the number of the annual American Soybean Association convention held in Des Moines, Iowa, in August 1966.115is the average yield of all hybrids tested as part of the 1965 Missouri Hybrid Corn Yield Trials.100,000is the record number of acres of field inspected by the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association in 1965. 6is the number of bags per minute that the new PAG Seeds hybrid corn grading facility in Franklin, Kentucky, is able to handle.78/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2019'