b'New research suggests that global trends in farmingimproved sustainability. practices are undermining the pollinators crops depend on and putting agricultural productivityUnivar Inc. announced that NexusAg has begun its and stability at risk, particularly in some Asian andsole distribution agreement with Novozymes for its South American nations. A multinational team ofdownstream biological products in Canada, which researchers has identified countries where agriculturesrepresents a significant portion of the inoculants increasing dependence on pollination, coupled withportfolio. With the start of this agreement, NexusAg a lack of crop diversity, may threaten food securityis being renamed NexusBioAg to represent a and economic stability. The study is the first globaltrusted source for crop nutrition. This includes assessment of the relationship between trends in cropadding Novozymes leading product brands, such as diversity and agricultural dependence on pollinators. JumpStart, Optimize ST, and TagTeam LCO, to the NexusBioAg extensive portfolio of crop fertility and A new line of barley achieves good crop yieldsbiological products. even under poor environmental conditions. It has been bred by a research team from Martin LutherMarrone Bio Innovations announced that it has University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), which crossed aentered into a strategic partnership to collaborate common variety with various types of wild barley. Theon research and development efforts with Valagro researchers then planted the new lines of barley in fiveS.p.A. The global, non-exclusive research collaboration very different locations around the world, observedwill leverage a subset of Marrone Bios collection of the growth of the plants and analysed their genetic18,000 microorganisms in conjunction with Valagros make-up.biostimulant and plant nutrition products that enhance crop yield and quality.A team of Clemson University scientists has achieved a breakthrough in the genetics of senescence in cerealBecks announced the purchase of a facility in crops with the potential to dramatically impact theOlivia, Minn., for the use of distribution and research. future of food security in the era of climate change.The 44,000 square-foot facility will provide The collaborative research, which explores thecorn breeding and research, sales support, and genetic architecture of the little understood processwarehousing. In addition to the breeding program in of senescence in maize (a.k.a. corn) and other cerealOlivia, Becks has two additional breeding programs in crops. Marshalltown, Iowa, and three breeding programs are at their headquarters in Atlanta, Ind. UC Riverside scientists have decoded the genome of black-eyed peas, offering hope for feeding EarthsThe Bayer Trendlines Ag Innovation Fund, set up by expanding population, especially as the climateBayer Crop Science and Trendlines, announced that changes. Understanding the genes responsible for theit established EcoPhage, a new company focused peas drought and heat tolerance eventually could helpon discovering and developing environmentally make other crops tougher too.friendly products for disease control in agriculture. The company will leverage a disruptive technology for A team of scientists led by the Department ofusing bacteriophages, viruses that attack bacteria, for Energys Oak Ridge National Laboratory havecrop protection. discovered the specific gene that controls an important symbiotic relationship between plants and soil fungi,Verdant Partners LLC and AgTech Insight LLC and successfully facilitated the symbiosis in a plant thatannounced the formation of a strategic alliance typically resists it.between the two firms. As part of the newfound relationship, AgTech Insight will advise and provide BUSINESS NEWS digital and precision agriculture consulting services The International Wheat Genome Sequencingto Verdant on a non-exclusive basis, while Verdant Consortium (IWGSC) announced that BASF haswill advise and provide services to AgTech Insight joined the organization as a sponsoring partner. Theon a non-exclusive basis for mergers, acquisitions, IWGSC is an international, collaborative consortium ofjoint ventures, and strategic alliances related to ag wheat growers, plant scientists, and public and privatetechnology. breeders dedicated to the development of genomic resources for wheat scientists and breeders. TheseFMC Corporation plans to invest more than resources aim at facilitating the production of wheat$50 million over the next three years in capital varieties better adapted to environmental challenges,improvement projects, including a state-of-the-art with higher yields, enhanced nutritional quality, andreconfiguration of a greenhouse and research facility 74/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2019'