b'Vermont Sets Precedentwith New PolicyState legislation could have a trickle effect, adding uncertainty for businesses looking to bring GE products to market.Michelle Klieger michelle@stratagerm.comON JUNE 17, 2019,Vermontdicamba-resistant corn if it was to be Governor Phil Scott signed a new law,commercially sold. which creates a committee to review newThere is a new dicamba-resistant genetically-engineered (GE) seed traitscorn seed that the AAFM would like to before they can be sold, distributed orreview before it becomes available in the used in the state. This law makes VermontState, wrote Rep. Patridge, a Democrat the only state to require additionalwho chairs the House Committee on approval of seed technology on top of theAgriculture and Forestry.federal process. It also begs a number ofGiguere further explains that the questions for which there are no answers. legislature is concerned about the lack The law requires Vermonts Secretary ofof regulatory mechanisms states have in Agriculture, Food and Marketing (AAFM) ormanaging concerns and complaints tied a designee to convene a four-person com- to GE seed. He says other states are strug-mittee to review all new GE seed traits.gling to manage the number of complaintsPat Miller serves as director of state affairs According to Cary Giguere, director ofreceived around recent traits availablefor the American Seed Trade Association.Public Health and Agricultural Resourcecommercially, which stresses government Management for AAFM, Vermonts Houseagencies resources. This legislation, he and Senate Agriculture committees met withsays, aims to pre-emptively limit com- populate Vermonts seed review commit-AAFM before the bill was signed into law.plaints by addressing known concerns. tee. According to Giguere, it will not be However, Pat Miller, says the ability forThe four-member committee will com- formed until there is a new GE seed trait stakeholders input was limited to non- prise: a certified commercial agriculturalthat needs approval. There isnt a formal existant. To the best of our knowledge,pesticide applicator, an agronomist orapplication process for applying to serve there was never a noticed hearing or com- relevant crop specialist from the Universityon the committee or prerequisites other mittee meeting to discuss the added lan- of Vermont or Vermont Technical College,than filling the four categories described. guage and any issues or concerns abouta licensed seed dealer and a member ofWhen looking at the number of row-it, says Miller, director of state affairs fora farming sector affected by the new GEcrop acres grown in Vermont, the conclu-the American Seed Trade Association.seed. sion may be that the law doesnt matter. Agricultural stakeholders, including reg- A majority of the seed review commit- With a total market value of $17 million in istrants, seed manufacturers, distributors,tee must approve of the sale, distributiongrain and oilseed production, Vermont is agronomic service providers, academicsor use of new GE seed. The committee willthe sixth smallest producer of row crops.and farmers were not given an opportu- then recommend to the AAFM secretaryWhile the legislation is aimed at in-nity to weigh in on policy. any limits or conditions on the sale, distri- state production, its implications could While not explicitly stated in the bill,bution or use of the seed. Based on thisbe far-reaching. Other states could follow both Giguere and Rep. Carolyn Partridgeinformation, the secretary will finalize andwith similar legislation, possibly creating indicated the impetus behind the billimplement the recommendations. a patchwork of regulations and require-was to give Vermont a way to regulateRight now, there are no plans toments for businesses to know.SW10/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2019'