b'ance, and biotic and abioticof plant life: nutrition andfit right in with that percep-stress protection of plants. Biological andgrowth, morphogenesis andtion. Second, new technology Fungal-based productsdevelopment, response totends to build on itself. The EU applied to plants to promotebiostimulant effects varybiotic and abiotic stress, andindustry now has decades of nutrition efficiency, toler- for many reasons. That isinteractions with other organ- data to support the efficacy of ance to stress, crop yield, andisms in the agroecosystems. biologicals and dispel earlier product quality are receivingwhy its necessary to lookimages of these being unrelia-increasing attention, both asat average performanceA Positive Outlook forble products with inconsistent plant inoculants and as modelBiological Products results. Development of seed-organisms for understand- over time and then ask ifWhen BPIA was more nar- applied applications is one of ing nutrient transfer betweenthe good years outweighrowly focused on biopes- the fastest-growing areas of fungal endosymbionts andticides in 1999, there werebiostimulant market expan-their hosts. Some of theseyears in which theabout 200 companiession. Globally, Latin America is fungi, mainly Trichodermaexpressing interest in bio- the fastest-growing market for spp., have been extensivelyimpact was minimal orlogical products. Twentyseed-applied biologicals. Part studied and used for theirnothing at all. years later, more than 400of that is due to the regions biopesticidal and biocontrolcompanies have biostimulantclimate, which puts more capacities. There is convinc-Tom Kroll products at various stagesbiotic stress on planted seeds ing evidence that many plantin their research and devel- and seedling emergence.responses are also induced,the biogeochemical cycles,opment pipeline. A biologi- For biostimulate products including increased tolerancenutrient supply, increase incal market forecasting firmwith clear modes of action, to abiotic stress, nutrient usenutrient use efficiency, induc- estimates that in 1999, thesolid field data sets, and rigor-efficiency, and organ growth.tion of disease resistance,global biostimulant marketous quality assurance, they These fungal endophytes mayenhancement of abiotic stresswas $250 million. By 2017,will continue to grow as an be regarded as biostimulants,tolerance, and modulationthe market had expanded toessential component of the although their agriculturalof morphogenesis by plant$2 billion and is forecast toag system, according to Luis uses are currently supportedgrowth regulators. reach $3 billion by 2021. MuchCopeland, Bayers head of by claims as biopesticides. Two main types of agri- of that expansion will comeGlobal Seed Growth. In areas Beneficial bacteria.cultural applications shouldfrom what is happening in thewhere growing conditions are Bacteria interact with plantsbe considered within thisEuropean Union (EU). Thatoptimal for the plant, these in all possible ways. As withtaxonomic, functional, andmarket is several years aheadtypes of products might seem fungi, there is a continuumecological diversity: mutual- of the United States with itsless appealing. At the same between mutualism and para- istic endosymbionts of theregulations for marketingtime, weather conditions and sitism. Bacterial niches extendtype Rhizobium and mutu- biostimulant products.pest and disease pressures from the soil to the interior ofalistic, rhizospheric plantSeveral factors are driv- are hard to predict. When cells with intermediate loca- growth-promoting rhizobac- ing this increase in the EUproperly priced and placed, tions in the rhizosphere andteria (PGPR). Rhizobium andbiostimulant market. First,many growers may consider the rhizoplane. Associationsrelated taxa are commercial- there is more public andthese products an insurance my be transient or permanent.ized as biofertilizers such asconsumer interest and accept- of sorts to address variability. Some bacteria can be verti- microbial inoculants facilitat- ance of biological products.In areas where conditions are cally transmitted via the seed.ing nutrients acquisition byThe EU populace is becom- compromised, these products Bacterial functions influenc- plants. PGPRs are multifunc- ing more environmentallycan enhance the crops pro-ing plant life cover extend totional and influence all aspectsconscious, and biologicalsductivity capacity.SWENDORSED BY 30/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2019'