b'They are going to be focused onways to do business and to create a com-ROI, and if you want to be a supplier, youpetitive advantage, Sciotto said, noting better be, too. You better be as smartthat 64% of this group expanded and or smarter than they are. You better bestrengthened their operation in the past thinking about a competitive advantageBeing the local guy doesnt matterfive years. These difficult times in agri-that you offer or a value-add. Being theat allThey want best-in-class.culture arent so difficult for this bunch. In local guy doesnt matter at allTheyfact, they dont believe their success is in want best-in-class. They want a competi- They want a competitive advantageanyones hands but their own. They are an tive advantage, and they are willing toand they are willing to adopt thingsaggressive bunch that is doing quite well.adopt things early. They are willing toHowever, Sciotto red-flagged that experiment and innovate, and they areearly. this group is also the least brand loyalwilling to put some money into it.Brett Sciotto a troublesome spot for companies that The researchers looked at primaryrely on relationships or brand loyalty to farm operators in the United States 55carry sales. years of age and younger. The farmersThe farmer of 2040 isROI focused, of today segmented into five classes:he said. They are competitively focused. independent elites, enterprising businessgroup that really stands out is the enter- They want an advantage from whoever builders, classic practitioners, self-reliantprising business buildersa group that isthey work with. While they want relatio-traditionals and the lifestylers. aggressively focused on growth. nships, just like everyone in the industry, Sciotto predicts that by 2040, theSciotto said they have the highestthey will leave you in a heartbeat if they majority of farmers who retailers will seekbusiness IQ, are financially sound andcan find a better way to accomplish their to contend with and to serve come fromwilling to borrow money to keep invest- goals and grow.either the independent elites, comprisinging. The enterprising business buildersWhats important, he said, is not to 20% of farmers, or the enterprising busi- are highly innovative and not at all tradi- think of this group as cheaper.ness builders, comprising 21% of farmers. tional or encumbered by the past. This group recognizes value-adds When you start to compare theseThese are the ones who are pushingfor best-in-class, for doing it the best or groups to each other, Sciotto said theto vertically integrate and to find newoptimal way, he said. But if you arent 50/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2019'