b'Why You Need to Quit DAN CUSTIS Using Your Wedding CEO AND CO-FOUNDER, ABM Photo as Your Headshot @ABM1stdan@abm1st.comabm1st.com AS A GRAPHIC DESIGNER,Im often sent headshots to use in our magazines or online. Ive seen some great photos cross my desk, as well as some cringe-worthy ones. Things like poor light-ing, cell phone selfies and poorly cropped wed-Industry Trends, ding photos all make you look unprofessional.So, why are professionally taken headshots so important when you can get your buddy with Evolution and Trailblazing a digital camera to take a photo of you? A pro knows their craftcomposition, lighting and how to pose a subject. Its their job to make you look THERES A LOTof industry buzzple, in the past, if Maxim or Aprongreat. Professionals (like you, remember?) seek about biostimulants and biopesticides,was put on the seed it was thoughtout other professionals because they know the ins and seed companies are screeningnothing else was needed.and outs of the job.more biological products in their test- Or if you wanted to put SabrEx onA headshot is also your first impressiontake ing programs than ever before. Acceleron-treated corn, once again,a look at your current LinkedIn photo. That photo is I started working in this industrythe use of the biological in addition topart of your brand, similar to how a logo is to your in the late 1970s selling soybean andthe seed treatment was questioned.business. Consider this: would you get a haircut legume inoculants and there wereNow we consider them companionfrom a stylist who looked unkept or kept their sta-many soil amendments in the adjuvantproducts. Many biological prod- tion messy? You might, but only once, I bet.category, such as seaweed. Farmersucts, such as biostimulants, extendEarlier this year, I decided to get new headshots experienced good results with somethe benefits a seed treatment, liketaken, even though I didnt have an urgent need for products and none with others. Acceleron, provides the seed. them. But this past week I found out I got accepted Ive watched the market evolveIf a biological is living on the rootinto a week-long artist residency this summer; the from those beginnings into what it issystem, the plant is feeding it withorganization neededyou guessed itmy head-today. Now, a reputable biologicalssugars and starches given off throughshot for a press release. It felt great that I had one company can describe in detail whatthe photosynthetic process; thus, thehandy to send.a microbe is doing, how that microbebenefits of the biological can last intoUnsure where to start if you dont have a performs, and what plant systems thethe crops flowering stage.headshot? Theres always Google, but you could microbe affectsand that companyIn return, the biological is feedingask colleagues within your networks if they have a can provide replicated trial data tothe plant enzymes and metabolites.photographer they could recommend. Remember back up the claims its making aboutAdditionally, the biological starts toto try and get a good sleep the night before your biological performance. trigger changes within the plant. Thephotoshoot, wear clothes suited for your industry, Most farmers want to see two tobiological and the plant have formedand consider having your hair three years of replicated trial dataa synergistic relationship. done on the day of. I know, from seed companies. Then theOur products have alreadyit sounds over-the-top, farmer will try the product to seeevolved so far since the establishmentbut your first impression if the data is replicated on his farmof ABM in 2000. Not only on thecounts!ground. We encourage seed compa- microbe side, but from the standpoint nies to put our products in their repli- of production, formulation, delivery cated trials so theyre able to providesystems and longevity on the seed. proof of what we know our productsAnd there are a lot of new innova- LESLEY NAKONECHNYcan do. That is what increases thetions coming: not only from ABM,GRAPHIC DESIGNER,adoption of products in the market- but in the marketplace. Weve madeCREATE BY ISSUES INKplace and it starts to separate thesignificant progress so far, but in solnakonechny@issuesink.comwheat from the chaff. many ways were still trailblazing,issuesink.comAnother trend I see taking place iswhich makes it such an exciting time a shift in thinking about the applica- to be part of this sector.tion and use of biologicals. For exam-36/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2019'