b'INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENTCan Underutilized Crops Save the World? DID YOU KNOWthat more than 70% of the worldsthe species wind- or insect-pollinated? Are there any calories are produced from four crop species? Ourcharacteristics of the plant that suggest it could have food system hinges on corn, wheat, rice and soybean. anti-nutritional compounds that need to be removed A biological system that relies on a limited numberthrough breeding?of species as a food source is at risk of a failure due toFor example, sorghum breeding programs seeking extreme events such as an outbreak of crop diseaseto enhance disease resistance or perennial features or droughts caused by climate change. We know ofback cross with wild relatives. Often more sustainable, over 6,000 species of plants that can be consumed asperennial crops require less cultivation and being more a food source. These plants have many characteristicswater use efficient. However, the holy grail of perennial that make them desirable for breeding. They can: crops is to obtain similar grain yields to their annual ANTHONY LEDDIN Readily adapt to changing climate conditions. cousins. Although this is a hard task to achieve, these Inspired afterDiversify the nutritional composition in the diets ofcrops may be more economic when looked at per hec-reading Thethe worlds poor. tare due to contributing factors, such as allowing ani-Coming Famine, Improve soil fertility. mals to graze them before or after grain is harvested.this Australian Combat disease through crop rotation.plant breeder set Improve farm sustainability.out to make aKnown as underutilized crops, these plants have difference. Plantwitnessed minimal breeding and research, but they Breeders Withoutare extremely important to smallholder farmers. Some Borders encouragesof these plants have gained popularity in developed plant breeders andcountries with food trends and diets, such as quinoaA biological system that relies on a limited students to volunteerand amaranthus. However, many of these edible plantsnumber of species as a food source is at risk of their time for inter- are unknown to consumers in developed countries, but national breedingwith work, could rise to be the quinoa of the underuti- failure. projects. lized crop world. How does this process take place and how do we as consumers make it happen?The first important step is preserving the germ-plasm of underutilized crops. With the onset of climate change and human encroachment, the centers of origin of many species are under increased pressure.Some underutilized crops are only used by a small As an example, I collected a forage grass seed (Dactylispart of the population in a country in a subsistence glomerata) in Israel. The seeds were only present fromfarming situation: for example, the bambara groundnut the plants growing amongst thorn bushes. Since then,in Indonesia. Experimentation and adding value to a the seeds have become increasingly important asproduct can lead to greater awareness in the village. varieties developed from this region can survive withMaking bambara groundnut into flour allowed farm-as little as 200 mm of annual rainfall through summerers to make cakes from their harvest, which attracted dormancy. This type of material helps farmers adapt toyounger generations. As popularity of a crop grows, climate change. further research can lead to the identification of ben-Next, an analysis of the diversity present in theeficial nutrients in a food that enable it to contribute material is needed. If the traits that we are interestedsignificantly to local diets and well-being.in are not found in a single line, then we need to startThrough the work of plant breeders, the next crossing lines. Crossing creates diversity, but there aregeneration of plants can help to improve our health many questions to be answered before the crossingand cope with climate change, but the journey will can be done. Is the species self- or cross-pollinated? Isbe long. SW20/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2019'