b'GORDON SARGENT REGULATORY MANAGER, 5 Keys for Growing Stronger NUFARM AMERICAS@NufarmUSgordon.sargent@nufarm.comwww.nufarm.com/RUNNING A BUSINESSis an art.to make a difference, and they might Its an everyday struggle. I think Iconsider you if your brand adds value speak for most business ownersto their self-image.Biostimulants Are when I say that most of us want toSet Standards. Scaling up your grow our business. business doesnt just affect the salesComing of AgeFirst of all, a golden rule is if youdepartment. It also puts your produc-do the same thing every day, you willtion on the spot. Everybody in your most likely get the same result. So, toorganization needs to focus on thePLANT BIOSTIMULANTS(PBSs) are achieve growth, you need to step updelivery. If you have set the stand- increasingly gaining recognition as valuable and make some improvements. ards, its much easier to introduceinputs to enhance crop production. Informally, Be Lazy. To grow your business,new co-workers, and to keep track ofPBSs are thought of as microbes or sub-you most likely need to increase yourquality control and time managementstances for the purpose of stimulating natural turnoversell more. Most of us haveoverall. You as a manager also gets aprocesses in plants or in the soil. They are often experienced the eager salespersonclearer overview of where you needused to help plants tolerate abiotic stress and/who just wont give up, and whento put your resources to improve youror improve the physical, chemical and/or bio-hiring salespeople, we often talkperformance. logical characteristics of the soil as a medium about finding hunters. Be Innovative. As mentionedfor plant growth. Historically, there has been I claim the opposite. Make it easyabove, doing the same thing over andsignificant ambiguity regarding the difference for your customers to choose you. Beover is just keeping you in old pat- between biostimulants and biopesticides/plant very clear with the advantages andterns. If youre not growing your busi- regulators. This ambiguity has been particu-why they will benefit from choosingness, youre most likely decreasing it. larly difficult for state regulators to manage. your products. There is one way toIts highly important that youHowever, help is on its way.make it easy for you: listen to the cus- have a good business intelligenceAfter years of work by trade associations, tomer and find the mutual win-winand stay innovative. The only way toa definition was finally approved in the Farm opportunity. stay interesting, both to customersBill that was passed in December. PBSs are Be Attractive. If you take care ofand employees, is to be adaptive todefined as follows:your employees, they will take carechange. Always seek to improve whata substance or micro-organism that, when of your customers. Having a greatyou are already good at, and look forapplied to seeds, plants, or the rhizosphere, team makes a world of difference. Toareas within your organization thatstimulates natural processes to enhance or ben-access skilled people and make thecould be a prospect for an upgrade.efit nutrient uptake, nutrient efficiency, toler-best people work with you, you needStill whilst only providing what theance to abiotic stress, or crop quality and yield.to be attractive. This is more true thancustomer is looking to buy, but in aThe European Biostimulants Industry ever, as millennials enter the market. way that ensures your business is inCouncil has a similar definition of PBSs. This They are not just looking for a job it for the long run. Constantly ask thealignment of definition by two large global they dont even want a job. They wantquestion how you can do what youagricultural bodies has paved the way for the do, but better. continued advancement of these products.Stay Authentic. The importanceIn addition to clarification provided by an of staying authentic cant be stressedestablished definition, the EPA has recently enough. Nothing gives you betterreleased for comment, their Draft Guidance for marketing than a good word from aPlant Regulators including Plant Biostimulants. customer, co-worker, bank or sup- The document provides examples of prod-plier. Keep your promises and stayuct label claims that are considered to be authentic to yourself, your vision andPlant Growth Regulator claims that trig-your stakeholders. ger the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act regulation, and other claims that are not. All these recent efforts are continuing the expansion of biostimulants acceptance and KETTY NILSSON use in the marketplace. PRESIDENT, NOROGARD @NorogardABketty@norogard.comnorogard.com40/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2019'