b'but are seeing struggles advancingWhen countries in Latin America changes to the law, he says. adopted UPOV 78/91:Broad Perspective Panama (UPOV 91)2012 Ecuador (UPOV 78)1997Given the complexity of the fabric of thePeru (UPOV 91)2011 Paraguay (UPOV 78)1997Costa Rica (UPOV 91)2009 Chile (UPOV 78)1996seed industry in Canada, it was importantNicaragua (UPOV 78)2001 Colombia (UPOV 78)1996to tour organizers to highlight the wideBrazil (UPOV 78)1999 Argentina (UPOV 78)1994range of industry players who have beenBolivia (Plurinational State of)Uruguay (UPOV 78)1994impacted by updated PBR. (UPOV 78)1999Mexico (UPOV 78)1987Tour participants visited DuPont Pioneer in the U.S. before arriving in Saskatchewan. There, they heard from the CSTA, CSGA, CPTA and the SAA before visiting Limagrains research centre in Saskatoon. Parker says Canadas ratification oftook to address stakeholders at every UPOV 91 has attracted an unprecedentedlevel, according to Lorne Hadley, level of foreign investment in the country,executive director of the CPTA.led by French cooperative Limagrain,Alignment of stakeholders which has formed Limagrain Cerealsalso meant alignment of positive Research Canada as a joint venture withmessaging around PBR. In Latin Canterra Seeds.American countries, as in Canada, Limagrain hasnt been shy aboutthere are concerns that farmers will be saying they wouldnt have a footprint indisadvantaged by legislation protecting Canada for breeding and research if itbreeders.hadnt been for UPOV 91. The whole ideaWe wanted to show that our system is that strengthening IP law increaseswas cross-supporting. Were not out opportunities for international companiesto try to catch people, but to convince to invest, he says. people to stay onside with the regula-Hyra echoes this sentiment. Thetions and pay the breeder. CPTAs role moment Canada signed onto UPOV 91,was to show that one of the ways of there was a flurry of activity from com- gaining acceptance for UPOV 91 was panies around the world interested inputting to bed concerns about overzeal-breeding in Canada. Its a long-term playous enforcement, says Hadley. for them. They have to get the productsWe included all breederspublic, through the registration system and haveprivate, large and smalland respected the performance to encourage uptake bythe interests of producers and showed growers. Its a long-term investment.them we had a system of compliance But public and independent entitiesthat is fair.also benefit from improved IP protectionRisso says it was useful for tour mem-over the long-term, Parker emphasizes.bers who are linked to the parliamentary The tour stopped at the CDC to heardiscussions happening in Argentina, Brazil from researchers on how royalties onand Mexico around updating seed laws sales of certified seed can help supportto hear these success stories from their public breeding programs, and then atCanadian counterparts.independent seed retailer Terry ArdellsBut the most significant benefit of farm near Vanscoy, Sask. They alsothe visit, he says, was the opportunity to visited oat breeder Jim Dycks operation,hear firsthand from those involved in theLevel Study Tour to take place, adds which is very dependent on IP protec- processto listen to each of the parties,Leontino Taveira, UPOVs technical and tion, says Parker.identify the pros and cons [of adherenceregional officer for Latin America and the Quite often, the perception is that IPto the system], and to know the meth- Caribbean.can only benefit large corporations. Butodology of workshops and meetings,We would also like to thank the indi-here were seeing small breeders benefit- back and forth, in which all the actorsvidual organizations in both countries that ing from IP protection, he says. raised their interests and [worked towarddemonstrated the importance of the 1991 achieving] a common goal, says Risso. Act of the UPOV Convention for promot-Stakeholder Involvement The UPOV Office would like to thanking investments in plant breeding by A key lesson for tour participants was thethe authorities in Canada and the Unitedsmall, medium and large-sized enterprises Partners in Innovation approach CanadaStates of America for enabling the High- from the public and private sector. SW60/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2019'