b'What I Learned About Creating My First CRAIG NELSON Company VideoVICE PRESIDENT, EUROFINS BIODIAGNOSTICSI AM CONTINUALLYasking my team to jump CraigNelson@eurofinsUS.comeurofinsus.com/biodiagnostics/ out of their comfort zone and think outside the box. It was my turn when I set out to create my first company video. The first thing that came to mind: it is not easy talking about myself in front of the camera. But, I am so glad I did! The experience was fun Accuracy in Seed Testing and educational. Also, I might add rewarding. Once I was over the initial camera fright. I started to relax. As I was preparing for the video, I went through all sorts of content in my head. As an engineer, I I AM FREQUENTLY ASKED,WhyIn addition to procedural dif- slightly over-thought what I wanted to get across. do we have differences in test resultsferences, there can be variabilityWhen it came time for lights, camera, action, I between laboratories? This is neverbetween labs based on the qualityrealized I just needed to be myself. That was much an easy question to answer partiallyand precision of the equipment beingeasier than what I had built up in my head.because I cant know or representused. Do germination chambersIts tough to talk about yourself on camera or what did or did not occur at anyactually keep the temperatures at theno camera. Preparation time is important but dont other lab. However, there are a fewproscribed temperature plus or minusover-think it. Take a deep breath and get comfort-key points that may help answer that1C? What control measures are usedable with your voice, twitches, and movements. question.to achieve a consistent moisture levelMost importantly, be yourself and have fun. from sample to sample? EquipmentI will probably never be an online personality. Four Possible Reasons for Testcalibration and quality are vital toNonetheless, I was able to identify that my com-Result Variations quality testing. munication skills are pretty good. I am confident The first point is to know which test- The fourth area that is likely thein my company and comfortable in what I get to ing rules were being followed. Theregreatest differentiation between labsdo each day. Using innovation as a catalyst for my are different sets of rules that can beis seedling evaluation. Accordingteam and our products has been an important applied by different labs for the sameto the AOSA rulebook, the labora- contributor to our success. test. We typically test based on thetory definition of germination is theWhen it was all over, I patted myself on the Association of Official Seed Analystsemergence and development ofback, and my team was impressed with my abil-(AOSA) rules. Other rules providedthe essential structures of the seedity to share what we do and how we do it. Being by the International Seed Testingembryo which, for the kind of seed ina leader means stepping out and stepping up to Association (ISTA) and the Canadianquestion, are indicative of the abil- challenges in order to motivate yourself and your Methods and Procedures for Testingity to produce a normal plant underteams innovative abilities. Seed (M&P) can be requested.favorable conditions. While this mayI am passionate about our business, our equip-Different methods can cause resultsseem like a straightforward defini- ment, and how we serve our customers and our to be variable. tion for all species of seeds, there areindustry. Making this video helped me express The second source of variabilitypotentially many different interpre- these passions in a broader manner can be physical differences in labora- tations. Some variability within thethat will be mutually beneficial to tory testing processes. For example,interpretation of the rules can lead toall of us.even if both labs are testing corndifferences in the classification of a using AOSA methods, one lab mayseed as normal or abnormal. be using roll towels while another labThese are some of the various is using the sand tray method. Onepoints that can lead to variability may be testing at a 20-30 C alternat- between labs and cause different test ing temperature while another lab isresults. It is important that seed pro- STEVE DEJONGusing a constant 25 C method. Theseducers and retailers be aware of thesePRESIDENT, are all accepted methods accordingpotential differences so they canPROFILE INDUSTRIES, INC.to AOSA rules but can be points ofmake good decisions about the seedsteve@profile-ind.com www.profile-ind.com/differentiation in testing.lots they deliver to their customers.ProfileIndUSASEPTEMBER 2019SEEDWORLD.COM /37'