b'REGULATORY ROUNDUP Keeping you informed of legislative and regulatory changes at the state, national and international levelsfrom lawsuits to approvals to other regulatory issues affecting your business.NATIONAL while allowing agriculturalregulations, with the goal ofAPHIS is announcing that a USDA PROPOSES NEWinnovation to thrive.fostering public confidencetest kit will be available for SECURE BIOTECHNOLOGYAs the name SECUREwhile providing industry withour trading partners to detect REGULATIONS TOimplies, this proposed rulean efficient and transparentMON 71300. Previous test kits PROTECT PLANT HEALTHincorporates the need for effi- review process that doesntdetected MON 71800 found The U.S. Departmentcient and sustainable agricul- restrict innovation. in Oregon (2013) and MON of Agriculture (USDA)tural production to help feed71700 found in Washington announced June 5 the avail- and clothe the world com- APHIS PROVIDES(2016). There is no GE wheat ability of a proposed rulebined with responsible andUPDATE ON DETECTIONfor sale or in commercial pro-titled Movement of Certainpredictable regulatory over- OF GENETICALLYduction in the United States at Genetically Engineeredsight to safeguard AmericasENGINEERED WHEAT this time. Organisms. In preparingecology and plant health,On June 7, 2019, U.S. this proposal, the USDA wassays USDA Under SecretaryDepartment of AgriculturesINTERNATIONALguided by the following prin- for Marketing and RegulatoryAnimal and Plant HealthEUROPEAN COMMISSION ciples: Sustainable, Ecological,Programs Greg Ibach.Inspection Service (APHIS)GRANTS APPROVAL FOR Consistent, Uniform,SECURE would markannounced that it was investi- SYNGENTA AGRISURE Responsible, Efficient, orthe first significant revisiongating a detection of geneti- DURACADE CORN TRAITSECURE for short. Theof USDAs biotechnologycally engineered (GE) wheatSyngenta announced it has SECURE rule will modernizeregulations since they werein an unplanted agriculturalreceived import approval the Departments biotech- established in 1987. For severalfield in Washington State. Thefor the Agrisure Duracade nology regulations with ayears, USDA has worked toGE wheat plants in questiontrait (event 5307) from the balanced approach that con- engage stakeholders aboutwere resistant to the herbicideEuropean Commission.tinues to protect plant healthpotential changes to theseglyphosate. After a thoroughThe trait features a unique fact-finding effort, APHIS hasmode of action that controls determined through testingcorn rootworm (CRW) differ-that the GE wheat plants inently than other traits on the question were developedmarket. by Monsanto (now ownedThis trait approval is an by Bayer CropScience) andimportant milestone demon-referred to as MON 71300 andstrating our commitment to MON 71800. bring new, innovative technol-There is no evidence thatogies to help growers protect any GE wheat has enteredand maximize their yield, commerce or is in the foodsays David Hollinrake, presi-supply.dent of Syngenta Seeds. The The Food and DrugAgrisure Duracade trait gives Administration (FDA) com- a new trait rotational option pleted a voluntary food andfor CRW management for a feed safety evaluation onhealthier corn crop and higher MON 71800 several yearsyield potential. The 2020 ago, concluding it was as safeAgrisure Duracade launch as non-GE wheat currentlyclass carried a 4.1 bushel per on the market. MON 71300acre advantage over our non-contains the same gene forAgrisure Duracade containing glyphosate resistance as MONproducts.71800, previously evaluatedThe approval covers corn by FDA. With respect to MONgrain and its derived products 71300, FDA states it wouldfor food and feed use within have no safety concerns in thethe countries of the European unlikely event that low levelsUnion (EU).SWof MON 71300 wheat or MON 71800 wheat were present in the food supply.Additionally, 70/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2019'