b'If something is working, then he nur- and World Food Prize laureate Howdypossible to appreciate seeds because he tures its growth. If somethings not, heBouis, who is featured in Let Seed be Thybelieves that will eventually help end the quickly moves on. He never tries to forceMedicine, are just a few of the specialglobal food crisis.something that doesnt want to naturallyguest speakers for the event.People canI hope people say that the movie got happen. This flexibility is really fun to be aalso attend the seed symposium from Oct.them to think more about seeds, and that part of, and usually yields the most inter- 14-15 where we will do a deeper dive intothey see the value that agriculture brings esting and creative results. the subjects of the film, as well as show theto society, Misra says. I hope they will film, Hicks says. consider getting involved any way they Reaching and Teaching can, whether that means becoming a Education is at the heart of everythingReception and Rewards scientist, starting a seed company or even Misra does, and the film falls perfectlyThe film was shown at the Environmentaljust sharing about it. I hope people will into that passion. Film Festival in Washington D.C., and atdo whatever they can to personally get One reason for the film was to reachIowa State Universitys Reiman Gardens,involved in some way, because that will a wider audience than the seed centerand has been widely praised and verymake the difference.SWotherwise would be able to. well received. We have a strong outreach programA woman at the first screening for the center already but that is morein Iowa at Reiman Gardens said focused on seed professionals, Misrathe film moved her to tears, Hicks says. We wanted to present the informa- says. It really does take you on a tion in this movie using everyday lan- journey. It takes you into the lives guage, not the scientific jargon that weof other people and shows you a sometimes use when speaking to thoseside of the beginning of life that inside the industry. you may not have considered He wants to inspire a new generation ofbefore, Hicks says.leaders who will use the potential of seedsIt has won two Telly Awards, a to change the food future of our world. Silver Telly for the entire film and I think young people are often morea Bronze Telly for the episode A interested in studying medicine or infor- Day Without Seeds.mation technology, and those are cer- That segment is one of Misras tainly important, Misra says. We needpersonal favorites. doctors and engineers, but we also needWe really take seeds for people to have a passion for food andgranted I think, he says.agriculture. Lambert says one of the big-Hicks says the film team has putgest challenges was narrowing together a marketing action plan withdown ideas for the films episodes many different angles that all lead to thebecause there were so many ideas same place: getting the film in the hands ofdiscussed, from seed careers, the educators to inspire the next generation.work being done with global nutri-For Misra, thats the main goal.tion, and just the beauty of seeds After only a few months, the centerin general.has given out nearly 1,000 free DVDs.One of the things we Misra wants the film to be a tool thattried to capture through teachers can use to inspire their students.the film is the wonder of Hicks said the film will eventually be avail- seedsthese tiny pods able for free download on the centerswhich impact so much website along with student reflectionof our lives. Theres a sheets that can be used by teachers.mystery to this very A large public screening of the film isbeginning of plant scheduled for Oct. 13, at the ISU Memoriallife, and we wanted Union to kick off the Everson Global Seedto explore that and Symposium, just prior to the World Foodits relationship to Prize. us, Lambert says. Thor Hanson, who is the main focus ofMisras goal for the A Day Without Seeds, Robert Llewellyn,film is to inspire asDr. Manjit Misrawho is the main focus of The Seed Artist,many people as SEPTEMBER 2019SEEDWORLD.COM /47'