b'raw seed from contract seedCenter for Agriculturalsector that are very impor- the virus and has destroyed growers. Research (CNIA), a nationaltant in the country and thattheir crop.A recent meeting broughtmeeting with technicians whoimproving the capacities ofNikki Harrison, the together representatives frommanage community seedthe technicians in turn allowsAgriculture and Horticulture the Ministry of Agriculturebanks to strengthen theirto improve productivityDevelopment Boards senior and Livestock Development,capacities in agroecologicaland production. Source:scientist and coordinator for national financial institu- and climate change. The Nicaraguan Institute ofthe ToBRFV steering group, tions, private sector banks,This is an effort of theAgricultural Technology (INTA) says: We are advising the seed companies, agriculturalGovernment of Reconciliationindustry to review their pro-cooperatives and develop- and National Unity throughduction protocols, particularly ment organizations, who tookINTA and in coordination withSTATUS UK regarding imports of seed and part in the deliberations andFAO, who are carrying out aSymptoms of the Tomatoplants, and crop hygiene.also contributed to refiningresearch project on CreoleBrown Rugose Fruit VirusThe likely routes of infec-policy recommendations toand acriolladas resistant seeds(ToBRFV) have beention of the disease are through enhance seed sector financ- for food security. reported for the first time inseed, propagation material ing. Source: CIMMYT The technicians had thea UK tomato crop. Confirmedor contact through contami-opportunity to listen to theby laboratory testing, thenated tools, hands and cloth-presentation of Jos Milan,outbreak has been reporteding. Tomato is the major host STATUS NICARAGUA expert and advisor on climateto the Plant Health and Seedsof the virus, but trials have The Nicaraguan Institutechange, who said that INTAInspectorate. The affectedindicated it could also infect of Agricultural Technologyand FAO develop relatedglasshouse has taken thesweet peppers. Source: (INTA) held at the Nationalissues in the agriculturalnecessary steps to eradicateAHDB SWPurchase Order ProcessingGrower IntegrationContractsSales Order Laboratory/QA ProcessingShippingSeedProcessingSeed Mixing Inventory Speak to a specialist.UK 44(0) 1257 279 811US +1 800 366 2474within your seed production and processing business Email primeticsseed@culturatech.comVisit primeticsseed.comSEPTEMBER 2019SEEDWORLD.COM /77'