b'PROTECTING INNOVATIONSeed Piracy Hurts All of the Seed IndustryIN 2014,the seed industry was stunned by theto potential infringement of seed coating technologies. news of theft of corn germplasm from productionAll reports are reviewed and tips are passed along to fields in Iowa and Illinois, by Chinese nationals trying tothe appropriate organization. transport the seeds back to China. In 2018, the industryYet, seed piracy is not limited to just foreign nation-was shocked a second time by the theft of rice germ- als. Seed piracy also includes unauthorized saving of plasm from a private research facility in Kansas, withseed and brown bagging, which also have a serious those responsible having similar plans to send seedimpact on the industry and our ability to produce new back to China. innovations.The seed industry is continuously working toSIPA estimates that approximately 5% of soybean develop new innovations, but these innovations comeproduction in the United States is saved or brown JAMES WEATHERLY at a cost, both in time and money. For many crops, itbagged seed and costs the industry approximately Seed Innovation andcan be a 7- to 10-year period to develop and commer- $1.72 billion annually in lost profits. When you consider Protection Alliancecialize a new variety, costing upwards of $1 million perthat approximately 20% of soybean seed revenue is executive director year. For new seed technologies, it can cost upwards ofinvested back into research, that is an estimated $340 $100 million to $150 million to bring a new seed tech- million that could be used for new innovations (based nology to market. While this investment in innovationon 2015 U.S. Department of Agriculture statistics). may seem daunting, it is necessary for our future cropFor wheat, the story is even harsher. An estimated production. $451 million to $677 million in seed costs are lost in the Unfortunately, seed piracy, like the thefts that tookU.S. to saved seed or brown bagging (please note that place in Iowa and Kansas, can have a huge impact onsome of this saved seed may be legal under U.S. law). It the ability to invest in new innovations. It is estimatedis estimated that 10% of seed costs are reinvested back that the theft of corn germplasm in Iowa cost research- into new wheat innovations, meaning that an estimated ers five to eight years of research and in the range of$45 million to $68 million is lost every year that could $30 million to $40 million, while the rice germplasmhave been put into research for new innovations. WHEREWEB theft was estimated to have cost the owners $3 to $18From 2000 to 2008, the United States farm cash ON THEmillion in research investment. These are significantreceipts from the sale of vegetables and pulses (inclu-For more information amounts of time and money. It is obvious that organi- ding potatoes) averaged $17.4 billion. If you estimate on the intellectualzations are looking at ways to get their hands on newthat seed value represents on average 6% of total cost property protectioninnovations. of production and if you estimate that between 2% and associated with The seed industry is a small, tight-knit group and has4% of seed value is lost to piracy, approximately $20.8 seed, visit the a strong tradition of watching out for each other. Onlymillion to $41.8 million is potentially lost annually that SIPA website at seedipalliance.comby working together can we prevent seed piracy andcould be used for research and development.or contact Jamesensure that we can continue to have the innovations toThese days, commodity prices are low, making farm Weatherly at jamesw@ meet our future needs.profitability difficult. Farmers are constantly looking seedipalliance.com. So how can you can help? If you see or suspectto find ways to save on costs; however, seed piracy is seed piracy contact the SIPA Tip Line. a choice that, in the end, hurts all of the industry.And Calls to the SIPA Tip Line are anonymous and con- you can help! If you see or suspect seed piracy, contact fidential. Since 2015, the SIPA Tip Line has received athe SIPA Tip Line at 1-844-SEED TIP.steady increase in tips on potential seed piracy issuesTogether we can ensure that the needs of future ranging from soybeans, leafy greens, pulses and carrotsgenerations are met through our innovations!SW14/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2019'