b'industry and have national significance, says ODA DirectorBroader ImpactsTaylor. While this is the act of one company, the implications are much Authorities at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)broader and undermine the reputation of an entire industry. have been notified, as well as the states where the misrepre- According to the USDAs Seed Regulatory and Testing Division: sented seed was sold.Marketing seed under the wrong variety name can lead to According to the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA),financial loss for several participants in the seed marketing intentional varietal mislabeling is a serious violation of statechain. For example, farmers buy seed to achieve specific objec-and federal seed laws. ASTA supports the action of ODA andtives such as increased yield, competitiveness in a specialized advocates for ethical standards and statutory compliance in themarket, or adaptability to growing conditions of a specific development, marketing and movement of all seed. region. When the variety is misrepresented, the harvest may be Seed fraud with any variety should not be tolerated, saysless valuable than anticipated, or there may not be a market for Pat Miller, ASTA director of state affairs. The seed industry has athe crop.long history of integrity. Comprehensive monitoring, testing andMore often than not, illegal seed practices are considered enforcement of all seed laws provides customer assurance andmore of a challenge outside of the United States. In some coun-promotes fair competition. tries during recent growing seasons, it was estimated that more Meanwhile, ASTA encourages all state and federal regulatorythan 50% of the crop seed sold to farmers was illegal or coun-authorities to initiate administrative proceedings against anyoneterfeit. Thats why the International Seed Federation (ISF) has who violates any seed law provision or regulation and issue sub- ramped up its efforts in this area, adopting a position paper in sequent fines and penalties as allowed per the law. 2018.In Oregon, seed wholesalers are required to renew their seedAccording to ISF: Illegal seed practices compromise the dealer license annually. As part of the renewal process, appli- quality of seed sold whenseed packages are labelled with false cants must cite any penalties or violations of the Federal Seedvariety names. As a result, the federation of which ASTA is a Act, the Oregon Seed Law or any other state seed law totalingmember believes illegal seeds can ruin the reputation and eco-$10,000 or more in the prior 36 months. nomic prospects of an entire agricultural region or a key national In addition to the fine of $248,000, ODA could revoke orcommodity. Illegal seed undermines continuing investment by suspend Dynamic Seed Sources dealer license. Another optionbreeders and seed producers to develop, produce and deliver would be to invoke a probationary period, all of which would bebetter quality seeds.SWdetermined at a hearing.26/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2019'