b'PARTNER CONTENTWhat Does a Wet Growing SeasonMean for Weed Control?I t might not earn a spot in the record books everywhere, but 2019 will likely be etched in the memory of many farmers and the agriculture industry as one of the most challenging grow-ing seasons in recent history. Boyd Carey, Ph.D., Bayer Boyd Carey, regional agronomy lead for Bayer Crop Science,Crop Science regional considers the current calendar year to be unprecedented in hisagronomy lead25 years in the industry. Uncertainty in the farm economy, cou-pled with the struggle to get crops planted, has really upped the pressure on farmers and the professionals who serve them. The season has presented unique challenges in all aspects of crop production, and weed control is among them. We always have weeds, but higher soil moisture levels typically mean we see even more weed pressure and repeated germination of new flushes. Because the rain delayed farmers from getting in to the fields, the moist and warm growing conditions at planting wereand up to 45 days after planting or the R1 growth stage, which-very favorable for both the crops and weeds to emerge and growever comes first, Carey says.Check your individual situation for very quickly, Carey says. potential state-specific application cut-off dates.The objective in soybean production is to start with a cleanThere can be a lot of pressure on farmers with many acres, field at planting and control weeds until the canopy forms. At thator retailers with many commercial customers, to get herbicides point we can utilize the canopy to provide weed control until har- applied, and this year that window of time is compressed. The vest. In years like this one, the canopy will be forming later thanbenefit of the Roundup Ready Xtend Crop System is that they can usual or in some cases, may not form completely. As a result, farm- adjust that timing across their operations to manage the overall ers will be relying more than ever on herbicides with soil activityworkload requirements, he adds.to manage weeds.He notes that most herbicides designed for post-emergence use Carey notes there havent been major surprises in terms ofin soybeans must be applied before flowering, resulting in an ex-new weeds due to the extra moisture, but the times at which theytended period of time after flowering initiation when weed control germinate or appear within the soybean growing cycle has beenis still needed but other options are limited. The only way to get impacted. that weed control is through soil activity, so the additional 14 days The wet weather shifted soybean planting later, so the weedsof soil activity that XtendiMax with VaporGrip Technology offers on were used to seeing at certain points of the soybean growing cyclecertain small-seeded broadleaf weeds is very critical, Carey says.may be different than usual, he says. For instance, some fieldsIn some regions of the country where the spring rains tapered likely saw less giant ragweed, an early-germinating weed, butoff and drier than normal conditions have set in, farmers are water hemp, a weed that germinates later into the season, couldfinding that XtendiMax with VaporGrip Technology and Warrant be more prevalent and soybean canopies may not be adequate toHerbicide work well together to control germinating weeds when hold it back. moisture levels are fluctuating.Weed species may have shifted this year, but the populationsFrom a soil activity standpoint, XtendiMax with VaporGrip are still there, Carey says. Technology and Warrant complement each other. Xtendimax with VaporGrip Technology provides soil activity on certain germinat-The Ability to Adjust ing weeds, even with very limited soil moisture. It gets to work In a year like this one, having the ability to adjust when herbicideright after its applied. Warrant is a true residual in that it does applications are made is critical, and its an option that users ofrequire more moisture to be activated, but it provides a much the Roundup Ready Xtend Crop System are relying on in 2019.longer residual effect. That makes the two an ideal combination, XtendiMax herbicide with VaporGrip Technology can be appliedCarey says.pre-plant in soybeans or anytime through soybean germinationTo learn more, visit www.RoundupReadyXtend.com.34/ SEEDWORLD.COMSEPTEMBER 2019'