b'year with the planting of itsCRISPR-Cas9 to target spe- diversity of domesticated first gene-edited wheat. Genecific genes, which requiredcrops. editing is an exciting, emerg- mastering everything fromWith gene editing, we ing technology with a lot ofdelivering the technology intocould reintroduce some of potential, and its use in wheatcells to regenerating plantsthat diversity into elite genetic is no longer just speculative.and conducting detailedmaterial, creating new traits The age of gene-edited cerealevaluations, Eudes notes. Theand expanding the crops crops is here.team observed phenotypicadaptability to temperature Francois Eudes, thedifferences such as flower- fluctuations and water national science lead for theing time and plant height, butscarcity. breeding innovation and cropthe real test came in the field,As Eudes reflects on the germplasm developmentwhere these traits could befuture of gene editing in portfolio at AAFC, explainsevaluated under real-worldwheat, he emphasizes its pre- Adele Jamalzei is a student in the precision that gene edit- conditions.cision and accuracy.plant breeding at Washington ing offers over traditional GMEudes is optimistic aboutWere editing whatsState University.technologies.the future, acknowledgingalready in the genome with One of the key advan- that while this trial is just theminimal off-target muta-tages of gene editing overfirst step, it paves the way fortions. Artificial intelligence is traditional GM technologiesfurther research.even being used to improve is the precision and accuracyMore field seasons will bethe efficacy of nucleases, it offers. Were editing whatsneeded to fully analyze thesehe reveals, underscoring the already in the genome withlines, especially since somecutting-edge nature of the a high level of control andare still segregating due to theresearch. minimal off-target mutations,multiple copies of targetedLooking ahead, Eudes he says. Its fascinating thatgenes, he states, highlightingoutlines AAFCs strategic plan artificial intelligence is eventhe complexity of the work.to mobilize scientific capacity being used to improve theSustainability is a corein the face of significant chal-efficacy of nucleases, furtherfocus for Eudes and his team,lenges. reducing the risk of off-targetparticularly in the face ofWhen we talk about geneFrancois Eudes serves as the effects.abiotic stressors like droughtediting, were focusing on spe- national science lead for the At AAFC, Eudes and hisand heat.cific genetic targets that meetbreeding innovation and crop team are not only explor- In the Prairie region,the merit criteria for registra- germplasm development ing these technologies butwere experiencing periods oftion in Canada, he states. Thisportfolio for Agriculture and are actively integrating themlimited water availability andfocus is crucial for ensuringAgri-Food Canada.into their breeding programssudden heat stress. For coolthat the next generation of to develop new traits thatseason crops like wheat, thiswheat varieties not only meets can withstand the rigors ofis a significant challenge, hebut exceeds the expectations climate change. Recently,explains. Gene editing hasof farmers. Eudess team conducted theirthe potential to be a game- Eudes is committed to first field trial with a gene- changer by targeting specifictransformative traits that com-edited wheat line, led by plantgenes that regulate howplement the existing genetic breeders John Laurie andplants respond to these envi- diversity of wheat. Andr Laroche at the AAFCronmental cues. Improving traits linked to Lethbridge Research andJohn and Andrs workphotosynthesis and nitro-Development Centre.on climate adaptation andgen fixation requires a deep One of the most significantdrought tolerance is a greatunderstanding of complex hurdles in wheat gene edit- example of how this technol- metabolic processes, he ing stems from its hexaploidogy can be applied, Eudesexplains. By combining gene nature, meaning it contains sixadds. This approach not onlyediting with other powerful copies of its genes.aims to improve resilience buttools like genomic predic- Jim Dyck operates Saskatoons For this project, we usedalso to expand the genetiction and phenomic selection,Oat Advantage.DECEMBER 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /95'