b"Equivalence of Ukrainian SeedsThe country is gaining equivalence of seeds for oil crops, sugar beets and soybeans.By Siuzana GrygorenkoUKRAINE HAS BEENa power- fully passed the audit five years ago. ful contributor to the global andTherefore, they called this long-awaited European agricultural market forresolution of the European Parliament of several decades. Beyond the sheer2020 as establishing justice for Ukraine.volume of agricultural products criticalWith 27 EU state members and over to the regions food security, the qual- 700 deputies in the European Parliament, ity of Ukrainian crops and seeds is alsoit takes a lot of time to adopt a resolution. noteworthy. Recently, the EuropeanEach resolution must go through multi-Parliament acknowledged this by offi- ple stages, including committee reviews, cially recognizing that Ukrainian seedsamendments, and debates, to ensure all meet the high standards set by the EU. Inperspectives are considered. Additionally, October 2020, the resolution was passedthe need for consensus and legal scrutiny confirming the equivalence of Ukrainianoften adds further delays. oat, barley, rice, rye, wheat, triticale, cornSome countries view the equivalency of and sorghum seeds with EU require- Ukrainian seeds as a threat and thus set up ments. barriers to a positive decision. MEPs from Today, Ukraine, together with partners,Siuzana Grygorenko, executive director ofsome European countries are not too eager keeps working on gaining equivalencethe Seed Association of the Ukraine. to recognize the equivalence of Ukrainian of seeds for oil crops, sugar beets andseeds. These officials argue that this is to soybeans. protect the interests of local farmers, who This process is significant for sev- tries unite their efforts to strengthen theare claiming the risks to their businesses. eral reasons: it validates the quality andposition of both and increase the chancesAnyway, they can't veto the decision, yet safety of Ukrainian seeds to meet EUof a quick and positive decision. they can push back the approval.standards, enhances the competitive-ness of Ukrainian agricultural productsInternational Cooperation andStereotypes and Concerns about in the European market, and reinforcesChallenges Ukrainian Seeds Ukraine's alignment with European regu- Throughout this long but importantLast year, the European Parliament and latory frameworks. The benefits of thisjourney, Ukraine is backed by its part- the public started discussions on the recognition are substantial for both par- ners. France and French companies areequivalence of Ukrainian seeds for oil ties. Ukraine gains broader access to theparticularly keen to support Ukraine incrops, sugar beets and soybeans. Ukraine EU market, boosting its seed exports andthe ongoing proceedings. Big friends ofis not a stranger to the EU market, economy. At the same time, the EU ben- Ukraine from different European organi- having established itself as a reliable efits from a diversified supply of seeds,zations and associations, like Euroseeds,seed exporter over the past decades, increased food security, and potentialto name one, have been working closelyin particular through the recognition cost reductions.with the Ukrainian Ministry of Agrarianof its cereal and corn seeds. Thanks to Referring to the decision on thePolicy and the Seed Association ofthis background, the initial stages of the equivalence of oil crops, sugar beetsUkraine for many years to share infor- mentioned discussion went smoothly. and soybean seeds, it is to note that themation and advocate for the interestsHowever, there are still significant con-European Parliament has already draftedof the Ukrainian agricultural sector.cerns that are more accurately called and published this document in whichAccording to them, Ukrainian seeds meetstereotypes towards Ukrainian agricul-Ukraine and Moldova are both included inall the standards and are undoubtedlytural products, the most common are as the joint file. Thus, a final vote is expectedof European quality. Also, Ukraine metfollows: in the short run. Two neighbouring coun- all the required conditions and success- a)Typical criticism of Ukrainian agri-64/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2024"