b'PARTNER CONTENTMicroplastic-Free Solutions Offer Enhanced Crop Health and Sustainability A s we become more globally aware of the ef-fects of microplastics on our environment, we need to turn our attention to what steps we can take in agriculture to decrease our impact. Its common knowledge that microplastics have a detrimental effect on soil, groundwater and ocean life, but far fewer people realise they may also have immediate detrimental effects on crop success. Conventional filmcoatings contain synthetic polymers that act as binders for various seed treat-ment products, yet studies show that microplastics block pores in seeds, which can cause a delay in ger-mination and decreased root growth. Even if your By: Jelle Vriend, primary focus is on yield and profitability above en-Global Sales Manager,vironmental sustainability, reducing microplastics Ad Terram in your agriculture practice has a beneficial effect.The writing is on the wall for conventional mi-croplastics. Several nations have already put in leg-islation banning the use of seed treatment productsPolymer-based film coats require drying time that contain microplastics, and it will likely only bebefore bagging, slowing down the production pro-a matter of time before others follow this path.cess. Our flimcoating starts hardening out in the Some reason that bioplastics are a solution.filmcoating equipment and emerges nearly dry. The While bioplastics are produced from renewabletreated seeds can be packed immediately because resources, they can take 100 years or more tothe hardening out process continues inside the biodegrade, causing similar detrimental effects aspackaging. This saves both time and money by de-conventional microplastics in the meantime.creasing waiting and increasing the rate of product Ad Terram has been prepared for a market shiftflow through the machines. away from microplastics since we started in 2014.Most importantly, our products work. Going mi-All our products are, and always have been, micro- croplastic-free and organic doesnt, as some people plastic-free and suitable for both conventional andthink, mean sacrificing efficacy, thanks to advances certified organic operations. Our filmcoat productsin technology. are made entirely from plant-based extracts and areAd Terram means for the earth, and it embod-fully biodegrade to the hydrocarbon level within 12ies our mission statementTo make conventional months. farming more resilient by improving cultivation Our microplastic-free filmcoat liquids are easy towith treatments that do not harm the agricultural apply with any standard filmcoating equipment. Inland and the ground we all live on, our planet. some countries, farmers choose to treat their seedsWhether youre looking to move to microplas-themselves. In fact, our products are so adaptabletic-free products, hoping to increase production that they can even be mixed with seeds in as simplecapacity or wanting to add an organic line, we have a set-up as a concrete mixer.products to help you achieve your goals. Customer service is of high importance to us soI will be at the ASTA Field Crop Seed Conven-no matter what mixing equipment new customerstion in Orlando, Florida from December 10-13. have access to, well gladly teach them how to useIf you are attending, come by and meet me and I our products with their machines. can answer all your questions. If youre unable to An especially important bonus of our products isattend, you can always reach us via our website the ultra-fast processing and drying times.http://www.ad-terram.nl/.62/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2024'