b"ELEPHANT IN THE ROOMDiversity, Equity, and InclusionDoubling Down on DEI From underrepresented employee minority to global DEI Head, discover how this team fosters a culture where respect, authenticity and diverse perspectives drive innovation. Aimee Nielson, Seed World U.S. EditorIN THIS NEW SERIESwere calling Elephant in theSW: Syngenta has remained committed to DEI even Room, were exploring controversial topics through the lensas other organizations are moving away from it. What of seed industry leaders. do you believe is the fundamental reason that your For this first installment, I had the pleasure of speaking withcompany still prioritizes DEI, and how does that align Rubn Alejandro Ramrez, the global head for Diversity, Equitywith the long-term strategy of the company?and Inclusion (DEI) for Syngenta Group. Ramrez sets the DEIAlejandro: To be fair, I don't think that many organizations are strategy for more than 60,000 employees across 100 countries.fully moving away from DEI. I think its less than seven companies Originally from Mexico, Alejandro considers himself a citizen ofat the moment, mainly in North America, that have retracted their the world. Hes lived in the United States, Canada, Panama Cityefforts in DEI. Not all of them have fully stopped their programs. and now in Switzerland. Hes been involved in the seed sector forI think this has been influenced by some loud voices with con-15 years, including positions with Monsanto, Bayer Crop Scienceservative thoughts. I think it's important for us to make sure that and now Syngenta. He was named one of Hive Learnings 75our audience understand that they are not all stepping away from Most Influential DEI leaders in Europe.DEI. If you go to their websites, you can see their DEI values and how they foster diversity in the way they feature their images, SW: Youve been globally recognized for your work indeliver their messages, and the way they're working with other DEI. What personal values or experiences drive yourunderrepresented populations of farmers and also of suppliers. passion in your work, and how does that influence yourI think at some point this will have an effect, that the pink leadership style? money (purchasing power of the LGBTQIA+ community) is Alejandro: Well, I am quite passionate about DEI, being part ofimportant for companies, especially in the spirits and automo-the LGBTQIA+ community and the neurodiverse community. Itive industry. I think they will reconsider once their employee have plenty of experiences about why I believe that DEI is one ofresource groups and customers express their voices. At the most important business strategies or values that a corpora- Syngenta Group, we are committed to DEI because we believe tion should have. Masking myself for 26 years and being in thethat it benefits everyone. We are a company oriented to innova-closet really led me to understand how people can thrive whention, and we understand that diversity and inclusion will bring they can bring their best selves to the workplace and also toinnovation in a way that will challenge the way we're thinking and their everyday life. I have been shaping myself over these years,the way we're trying to find solutions. We understand that by into understanding my value and having self-love, what Imhaving different perspectives, we will be also able to manage our worth, and also what I can bring to the table. This has shapedcurrent challenges with better and different solutions.my leadership. I consider myself an inclusive leader in a way thatWhat Ive seen and researched is that the companies that I appreciate differences and value how everyone can help usare supposedly stepping away from DEI are mainly retracting create a better workplace, bring innovation and focus on col- their efforts around promoting an equitable workplace for the laboration and psychological safety.LGBTQIA+ community or stepping away from their sponsorship My leadership always aligns with what's best for the busi- in pride events, but they still committed to othe DEI related initia-ness. Ive always said that without the business, there are no DEItives as you can see in their websites and social media. programs. We need to represent the business, align with the strategy and understand our goals. As a multinational company,SW: Is DEI politically neutral, and do we need to push we all share the same purpose. We want to help secure foodour values aside to support DEI?security for a healthy population in the world, and this unites allAlejandro: Diversity comes in all forms. Were all entitled to our aspects of our company. opinions as long as we respect others. I recently discussed with 26/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2024"