b'A Soybean MakeoverPlant breeding to meet global demand for protein is on the rise.By Melissa Shipman, Seed World ContributorGLOBAL DEMAND FORprotein,It is generally the same story forplant which allows for greater protein pro-particularly plant protein, is on thealmost all crops. Yields are going up andduction. In exchange, the plant provides rise. However, even animal protein ulti- proteins are going down, Mian says.the bacteria with the carbohydrates they mately begins with plants. Naeve publishes an annual soybeanneed for energy. Whether folks eat plant or animalquality report, and his samples show a dropSynthesis of a unit of protein requires protein, all of the protein that we eatin average protein percentages from 35.8%more than three times more energy than started with plant protein, says Sethin 1986 to 33.7% in 2023. Now, seed breed- that is required for synthesis of a unit of Naeve, University of Minnesota extensioners are working to reverse this decline. carbohydrate, Mian says.soybean agronomist and professor ofNaeve says its possible for breeders agronomy and plant genetics, adding thatPricey Protein to select for both yield and protein but some fish protein could be considered theProtein is very expensive for plantsits actually easier to increase harvested only exception. to produce in terms of the amount ofprotein simply by increasing yields. However, protein content in the worldsenergy a plant has to allocate to itsWeve been able to increase yields so major field crops is actually declining. production, University of Guelph associ- much that, in fact, we are getting more Rouf Mian, USDA-ARS Soybean andate professor of soybean breeding andprotein per acre, and there are also more Nitrogen Fixation Unit research leadergenetics Milad Eskandari says. acres being harvested. Its just that the and research geneticist, says soy proteinNitrogen-fixing bacteria found on theprotein is more diluted, Naeve explains. in particular has been on a slow declineplants roots convert nitrogen from theHowever, oil content is also negatively for at least 40 years. atmosphere into usable nitrogen for thecorrelated with protein. 52/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2024'