b"cultural products from Europeans is theirParliament recognized the equivalence ofas one was completed in 2022. So far, low quality. But this is just a very commoncereal and corn seeds back in 2020, andUkraine has fulfilled all its obligations for myth. In fact, Ukrainian seeds often meetthere is no official data that Europe hasthe equivalence of oilseeds, beets, and or even surpass European standards,experienced any negative effects fromsoybeans. Now that the European elec-as Ukraine competes in a tough marketthis decision in the past four years. tions are done and the vacation season where quality is everything. In addition,A rather tangible illustration ofis winding down, the new parliament will many Ukrainian seeds are produced byEuropean farmers' prejudice againsthave to vote on this decision starting in European companies at Ukraine-basedUkrainian seeds is the frequent casesSeptember.plants and are targeted specifically for thewhen French farmers are not satisfied European market. So, they are up to thewith a label such as produced by an EUProspects of Forage Grasseshigh demands of European buyers. company. They ask in detail in whichGaining equivalence for Ukrainian seeds b)False belief in the poor quality ofcountry these seeds were grown. And tofor oil crops, sugar beets and soybeans Ukrainian grain is immediately followedput it gently, they are very sceptical aboutis not the only issue in the seed sector by fear of so-called unpredictability.products from Ukrainian fields. that is currently being tackled in Ukraine. Allegedly, once Ukraine is allowed toTherefore, European companies needRecently Ukrainian experts from the seed sell its seeds in Europe, the supply fromto continue explanatory campaigns,sector have been pursuing a promising Ukraine might increase so dramaticallywhich will take several more years. In thesector of forage grasses and, in particular, that it could push out local farmers, whomeantime, a compromise on labellingproducing seeds of these crops. Europe typically run smaller farms and cantneeds to be found. is planning to expand the cultivation compete with lower prices. These worriesof forage grasses in the future: by the often come from poor awareness or igno- Comparison with Previous Years 2050s, there is a target of 30% of those rance of the topic. It's true that in the lateIf we compare the equivalence processareas. Such crops are considered as both spring of 2022, the European Commissionfor cereals and corn to the current onefeed for livestock and soil and ecosystem removed trade limits and duties on agri- for oilseeds, beets, and soybeans, we seerestoration. Even though these plants are cultural products from Ukraine. But thethat the main difference is the durationperennial, the need for their seeds will so-called visa-free trade for grain andas it took about 10 years. Back in 2011,be constant, as they have to be renewed. corn exports was for commodities, notwhen the process started, there was littleSo, Ukraine has already started turning in for seeds. Meanwhile, seeds have alwaysinformation about Ukraines seed indus- that direction. required certification, phytosanitarytry, and production technology wasnt asThe Seed Association of Ukraine inspections and contracts, and it's a time- advanced. However, that period marked(SAU), leading the way in this process, consuming procedure. Therefore, Ukrainethe beginning of modern seed produc- maintains cooperation with the Ministry simply cannot technically increase itstions global expansion, attracting inves- of Agrarian Policy on adapting national seed production volumes and flood thetors who saw business potential. Foreignforage grass requirements to European European market. And again, Europeancompanies came to Ukraine because itstandards. Ukraine should primarily adapt companies with plants in Ukraine will beoffered cost-effective production withthe methodology for inspecting fields leading the way in supplying seeds due tocheaper energy, skilled labor at lowerwith forage grassesthe process is to existing certifications and trade channelswages and quicker government approvals. meet the requirements of OECD and EU. with the EU. To ease European concernsSince Ukraine was viewed by EuropeThe next step is to submit an equivalence about Ukrainian seeds, these companiesas a third-world country at the time, thererequest to the European Parliament. In should focus on public relations andwere many restrictions, which requiredthe meantime, the requirements will be reassurance, emphasizing that they offera multi-stage audit. European expertsassessed for comparability. As for the seeds with a supplied by EU label. began the audit in 2016, inspecting pro- specific species of grasses mentioned, It is worth keeping in mind that theduction facilities and fields, and eventuallythe focus will be on forage, legumes and above-mentioned fears about Ukrainianissued certificates. Ukraine submitted itscereals. In the first place, clover, all types agricultural products are heavily fuelledapplication in 2018, and the Decision wasof alfalfa and ryegrass.by propaganda. As the earlier explana- adopted in October 2020. The process tions show, the widespread concernstook so long because activity slowedUkraines Role in Ensuring Stability about Ukrainian seeds in Europe aren'tafter the initial 2011 application and onlyand Qualitybased on rational reasons but rather onresumed in 2016. The high quality of Ukrainian seeds is emotional rhetoric. The fact that dis- For the current equivalence Ukraineconfirmed by the European Parliament's proves this populism is that the Europeanno longer needs to undergo an audit,resolution of 2020 and the opinion of DECEMBER 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /65"