b"Soybeans with pork genes display a pink color (bottom) compared to standard soybeans (top).PHOTO: MOOLEC SCIENCE.grow that, Atchison says. Were lookingfarming biotech company has focuseda bioavailable form of iron, says Henk to be competitive from a yield perspec- their attention on expanding the horizonsHoogenkamp, Moolecs chief product tive with dark hilum, non-GMO soybeansof what plant protein can do, or be. Piggyofficer and co-founder. which have typically outperformed clearSooy, a genetically modified soybean,He says it also provides a visual cue hilum. Its also typically a lower seed costwith a target of up to 26% of the totalwith the pink color. because it doesnt have the tech stacksoluble protein in the bean, is the first ofThis process is not without additional in it, so the ROI on the acre can be veryits kind. considerations such as allergen con-favorable.We are using a plant as a bioreac- cerns and regulatory hurdles, however. Puris focuses on traditional breed- tor, says Martn Salinas, Moolec ScienceIn April 2024, The U.S. Department of ing techniques to satisfy clean-labelchief of technology and co-founder.Agricultures APHIS Regulatory Status consumer-needs and has been breedingCompared to other technologies whereReview (RSR) determined that Piggy non-GMO soybeans, corn, and yellowyou give the plant a new gene to increaseSooy was unlikely to pose an increased field peas for decades.productivity in the field, the aim of ourplant pest risk relative to non-engineered One of our biggest advantages is timetechnology is a bit different as we wouldsoybeans and thus, will not be subject to because we've been selecting for yieldlike to change the plant output. WeAPHIS regulations for genetically modi-and protein for so long. A focus area of usare producing new enzymes, proteinsfied crops.is getting more organic pea production inand molecules to boost the ingredientsCurrently, the company is in field trials the Midwest, Atchison says. For growersderived from the plant, or in the future,to determine how the plant is affected by that are looking for organic farming, peasperhaps for extraction. the new protein sequence.are a great cash crop to add as part of thatThe team settled on myoglobin asWhat were seeing now is that since rotation to build soil health while partici- their initial target for a few reasons,soybeans have so much protein already, pating in that premium market.namely its size and function, but thatthat the 20% of the total protein were came with challenges as well.diverting to our target has not fully Protein Boost from Pork? In the case of myoglobin, not onlyimpacted the plant itself in the green-Meanwhile, gene-editing technologiesdoes the plant have to make the targethouse and in a couple of months well are allowing for precise modifications toprotein but there is also a secondaryknow what that impact was on the field, genes and Moolec Science, a molecularheme molecule attached to it which isHoogenkamp says. 56/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2024"