b"60,000 employees. We were already inclusive. We were alreadywith our society, industry and business strategy, to set plans working on practices on equity, but this way we had a really clearand goals that are achievable in the short-, mid- and long- term. plan on what we wanted to do. I cherish this moment as pivotalIt's not about pointing fingers at what everyone is doing wrong. in my DEI career. It's about understanding that we are collectively learning and relearning. SW: There is resistance growing against DEI initiatives.Now we're working more focused in increasing representa-Why do you think this resistance exists, and how can thetion of different populations, fostering allyship, learning about industry address it? the neurodiversity space, and we're equipping ourselves and Alejandro: This is a question many DEI professionals are askingour leaders to better understand how to work with these themselves. Embracing DEI to its fully potential is a very dif- populations. It is very ambitious to believe that in some indus-ficult taks to accomplish. If you remember years ago, when DEItries, 50/50 gender balance could happen in just a few years, initiatives boosted, we were all about having a 50/50 genderso instead we really need to focus on fostering inclusion and balance, significantly increase underrepresented populations,equity with our current diversity, while supporting programs and implement inclusive language and pronouns among many otherinitiatives to sustainable get where we want. You cannot bring initiatives all well intentioned, but we were not really aware ofdiversity if the people will not be inclusive. You will only create what this really meant and how long the journey would be. Nowconflict by doing that. But when you foster inclusion, and you I believe we have learned DEI is a marathon without a finish line,value everyones different perspectives, that's when you unlock where obtaining the tangible benefits will not be immediately,collaboration and innovation. When you bring equity, where eve-and some systems would not be ready to shift at the pace weryone understands that they have the same opportunities and would like. Out of these great intentions many organizations setthe same platforms, thats where business benefits will occur. very high standards, committed to very high quotas or targets, and at the moment Leaders are asking for results creating theSW: How do you adapt your DEI strategy to ensure it current backlash. At Syngenta Group, we always understood thisresonates across such a diverse network?possible backlash, and that quotas or aspirational targets wereAlejandro: Weve learned that while creating a global strategy, not aligned to our social reality or the current industry situation.we need to account for local nuances. DEI is expressed and As every emerging topic we are in a learning process. Now asneeded in different ways in every different geography. A good DEI leaders we now how important is to align our DEI strategyexample, is what we do during Pride Month, we have developed A DIFFERENCEYOU CAN SEE For moreinformation,scan theQR code, orcall, Toll-Free: 1-888-236-7378A UNIQUE FORMULA DISRUPTING 100 YEARS OF JAPONICUM Improved nitrogen, sulfur & iron uptake Amplified nodulation & rhizobia survival Increased quality & yield28/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2024"