b'When we started seeing renew- plant protein because it contains all nine able energy mandates, public supportessential amino acids, however, the exact for breeding projects that focused oncombination of amino acids determines protein tended to decline in favor of thosethe quality of the protein.focused on oil, Naeve says.We determined a long time ago that However, researchers are seeing sig- there is an inverse relationship on the nificant successes using both traditionalquantity and quality of protein, so lower breeding and modern biotechnology toprotein soybeans tend to be enriched counteract this problem and meet thewith some of the most critical essential growing demand for high quality protein- amino acids for animals, Naeve says. rich legumes. Eskandaris team is specifically work-ing to increase levels of sulfur-containing Seth Naeve, University of MinnesotaBreeding for Balance amino acids such as cysteine and methio-extension soybean agronomist andGodfree Chigeza, soybean breeder fornine in soybean seeds. Methionine, in professor of agronomy and plant genetics. the International Institute of Tropicalparticular, cannot be produced by animals Agriculture (IITA) says that their effortsand is necessary to initiate protein synthe-for African farmers are focused on find- sis in eukaryotic cells. ing a balance between protein and yield.When they use soybean meal for Our farmers are getting very lowfeed, they still use protein from fish yields compared to other parts of thesources that have essential amino acids world. Average yields in Africa nine yearsto enrich the feed, Eskandari says. So, ago were around 900 kgs per hectare butone goal is to increase the sulfur contain-with time and improvement in geneticsing amino acids which would be good and also agricultural practices, the aver- for food grade soybeans and commod-age yield now is between 1.2 and 1.5 tonsity soybeans as it would enrich the meal per hectare, Chigeza says. after soybeans are processed and oil Chigeza says they follow a minimumextracted. Nicole Atchison, Puris Holdings CEO. threshold of around 38% protein for a variety to qualify to be registered andSpecialty Soyreleased. However, breeders must strike aMore than just a global demand for live-balance between the two goals.stock feed, consumers continue to show Our farmers need the yield, Chigezainterest for plant-based proteins, particu-says. They need to have more productlarly organic and non-GMO options.to sell. People want more protein in every- He believes the industry has a role tothing they eat, and plant proteins have a play in supporting these efforts as well.great opportunity to be a hero in those For us to be able to continue togoals, says Nicole Atchison, CEO of Puris increase the protein content, processorsHoldings, a U.S.-based company special-need to offer incentives for farmers whoizing in producing and developing plant-Martin Salinas, Moolec Science Chief ofare selling a higher protein content, hebased proteins, particularly for the food Technology. says. Then the farmers may be more will- industry.ing to plant those varieties. In the food industry with specialty soy, Naeve agrees that incentivizing grow- customers are concerned not only with ers to focus on protein would help in theprotein levels but also traits such as seed United States as well.size, taste, texture or hilum color. There has been some interest inWe are the processor and the component-based pricing so rates at thebreeder so we have direct access to what elevator would be based on what qualitythe customers want and can bring them of soybeans farmers deliver, but there isin earlier in the selection cycle and have enough resistance to that idea it is unlikelythem be a part of which varieties are to happen anytime soon, Naeve says.commercialized, Atchison says.Smaller niche markets, such as theBut even with an emphasis on con-soy food market, often will pay for highersumer-focused traits, yield still drives protein contents but that represents lessbreeding efforts. than 5% of U.S. soy, Mian states. If it doesnt yield, it doesnt matter. Milad Eskandari, University of GuelphWere not looking for protein at the associate professor of soybean breedingQuality Over Quantity expense of yield because we recognize and genetics. Soy is generally considered a high-qualitythat a grower is not going to want to 54/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2024'