b'genetics, sensor technology, and computing, all in real-time. The project aims to develop pioneering tools that enable communi-cation with plants and their microbial partners.The cornerstone of Mooses work is the digitization of the G x E x M modelGenotype, Environment, and Management. Heres a glimpse into how these elements intertwine to revolutionize corn production: Genetics (G): In the corn box, the genetic makeup of the plants is meticulously sequenced. From DNA to RNA, every genetic detail is digitized, enabling precise tracking and analysis of plant traits. This foundational data is crucial for developing resilient and high-yielding corn varieties, Moose says. Environment (E): For over two decades, the team has been collecting environmental data using weather stations and soil sensors. These sensors measure moisture and tempera-ture at depths of five, 15, and 30 centimetres, transmitting hourly updates via wireless boosters powered by solar Steve Moose is director of the Corn Functional Genomics Lab and apanels. This comprehensive environmental monitoring allows professor of crop sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana- researchers to understand how different conditions impact Champaign. crop growth and to predict trends both seasonally and long-term.corn seed but promised to cultivate it for them. This collaboration Management (M): Nitrogen management is a key focus inhas been both fascinating and rewarding over the past few years. the corn box, Moose says. By comparing corn grown with Now, were on version 3.0 of this low-oil corn, tweaking theand without fertilizer, the team gains insights into soil fertil-breeding stock to eliminate undesirable traits while maintainingity and nutrient cycles. Adjacent fields are rotated between the low oil concentration. This allows us to use the whole kernelcorn and soybeans, with soybeans enriching the soil for the in our beer, enhancing both flavor and shelf stability. The oilnext corn crop. This rotation helps maintain soil health and content in our ultra-low-oil corn is now comparable to barley anduniformity, essential for sustainable farming.wheat, significantly lower than regular corn, Riggs says.Technological Integration: Satellite technology plays a vitalBy using this unique germplasm, theyve eliminated the needrole in this research. With daily satellite passes providing for degerming, simplifying the process and connecting them todetailed imagery, researchers can analyze plot-level data, the historical roots of American lager. This approach not onlyeven on cloudy days. Advanced satellite triangulation offers sets their product apart in a crowded market but also bringshigh-resolution images, allowing for precise monitoring of them closer to the original flavor profile of beers made a centurycrop conditions and variances.ago. This integration of genetics, environment, and manage-In a marketplace with 10,000 breweries, standing out is cru- ment is part of the NSF-supported Center for Research on cial, Riggs says. Programmable Plant Systems (CROPPS). This project aims to Their exclusive licensing agreement with the universitymerge digital biology with the Internet of Things, creating an ensures that the brewery benefits from this innovative corn vari- interconnected network of sensors, models, and computational ety, while also committing to growing its market. tools.Their story doesnt end with corn, though. On the wheatEssentially, its about turning plants into programmable enti-side, Riggs Beer Company is also working with a locallyties that can adapt and thrive in varying conditions, Moose says.licensed seed variety, continuously pushing the boundaries ofOne of the intriguing aspects of the CornBox is its experi-brewing innovation. mental nature, which extends beyond the fields into the realm of As we move forward, we remain committed to sharing ourbusiness and communication. Enter Cabral Bigman-Galimore, a findings and collaborating with the university to see where thiscommunications expert at the University of Illinois. She explores work can lead, Matt says. how early-stage research on programmable plants can be effec-tively communicated and applied in real-world scenarios, and Entering the CornBox solicited feedback from the attendees.Moose, a leading figure in corn research, invited attendeesWhat comes to mind when you think of programmable into the CornBox, a clever play on sandbox, Imagine a play- plants? If you could program a plant, what would you want it to ground where digital agriculture innovations come to life in ando? she asked, encouraging creative thinking and broadening actual cornfield. This unique environment tests advancements inthe scope of this revolutionary research.SWDECEMBER 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /77'