b"experts from leading associations in the field, such as European seed association Euroseeds, Spanish association ANOVE, German association BDP, Romanian AMSEM, Italian seed association ASSOSEMENTI. European customers emphasize that Ukrainian seeds always meet all phytosan-itary and quality standards. Moreover, Ukrainian suppliers are reliable partners who fully execute their commitments under the contract, despite force majeure circumstances such as intense war.Risk Diversification and Positive CompetitionThe arrival of high-quality UkrainianUkrainian seeds often meet or even surpass European standards, as Ukraine competes in a seeds on the European market createstough market where quality is everything. PHOTO: MAIS COMPANYpositive competition, which will only bring benefits to consumers and the region'spanies to place production facilities inUkraines seed industry development and economy. Moreover, it ensures diversifi- Ukraine: the cost of resources is lower,contribute to creating a full agricultural cation of risks in this large market. Theand highly qualified specialists are moreproduction cycle. Ukrainian officials and number of local seed producers is quiteavailable. Ukraine will significantly expandindustry experts reconfirm their com-limited, so in case of a bad harvest, thethe market for seed exports, which willmitment not to compete with European entire region risks facing a shortage ofbecome a solid source of funding forcompanies, but to be equal partners in seeds for the next season. the state budget. The need to producedeveloping the agricultural sector and It is profitable for European com- more high-quality seeds will accelerateensuring food security in the region.SW66/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2024"