b"PARTNER CONTENTKnocking Out the ProblemYou Didnt Know You HadBy: Ryan TichichN ematodes, which are microscopic worms, are every- states across four trial years, Bayers new Acceleron N-314 corn where. Theyre the most ubiquitous organism on Earth.delivered an average year-over-year continuous improvement in While their levels and specific species vary dependingyield of 4.8 bushels compared to a check. That benefit comes from on soil health and type, geographic location, previous croppinga combination of seed treatment, traits, germplasm, andheres cycles and field management history, nematodes chew into cornthe particularly exciting piecenew Acceleron N-314 nematicide.seedlings in every field. Acceleron N-314 is the first ever dual mode of action chemistry I usually get to about here in a description of nematodesand biological nematicide for corn. It brings together the proven before the grower or retailer Im talking to says something alongnematicide Fluopyram, which controls nematodes at every stage the lines of: But nematodes arent a big deal in my fields. in their lifecycle, with a bacteria called Bacillus firmus, which I wish that were true.enhances plant health and creates a living barrier against nema-Nematodes attack crops silently and with few obvious symp- tode attack. toms. Less severe nematode damage will cost yield without aAdding the nematicide to top-notch germplasm, industry-grower ever realising a problem exists. More severe nematodeleading traits, and a full-spectrum seed treatment improves the damagewhich can appear as wilting, yellowing, stunting,total package, ensuring growers have every opportunity to realize poor growth, uneven tasseling, poorly developed or swollenthose corn seeds genetical yield potential. roots, and root lesionsis generally misidentified as herbicideTrial results consistently show Bayer seed treatment is measur-or fertilizer injury, insect feeding, soil compaction, drought orably better than others on the market. The addition of N-314 next other more top-of-mind crop health risks. Despite their under- generation nematicide means the top-performance treatment the-radar status, their damage is devastating: on average,even better. Thats a monumental achievement made possible be-nematodes cost US growers more than 70 million bushels of corncause we paid attention to a little tiny organism that silently robs annually.yield literally from under farmers feet. We're solving for a pest Let me throw a number at you: 4.8 bushels. When we ana- nobody has paid attention to, and the results arevery clearlylyzed the yield data from over 290 trial sites grown in multiplein the bin and at the bank.DECEMBER 2024SEEDWORLD.COM /67"