b'PEOPLE-POWERED LEADERSHIPFrom Endless Shrimp to Pocket Searches: Lessons in Balancing People and ProfitIN LEADERSHIP,we spend a lot of time building ourwith creativity and commitment, there are ways to find strategies around peoplefinding the right people,the right space for every team member, so long as then finding roles that serve both individual teamthey support the business goals and values. It may not members growth and the companys success. Often,always lead to a perfect outcome, but its an approach we get it right; occasionally, we dont. When a role isntthat aligns with my values.a good fit, it fails to serve either the employee or theThe best part is that theres something almost organization well. As leaders, those are the situationsmagical when individual and company goals align and that make us pause, reflect, and adjust our approach. both parties thrive. When they dont? Ive learned to This reminder hit home for me after readingbe at peace with knowing I gave it my best shot. When BY SHAWN BROOKUnreasonable Hospitality by Chef Will Guidara.the outcome doesnt meet everyones hopes, I dont President of SeedGuidaras story is rooted in the world of restaurants,see that as a failure. I consider it a valuable attempt World Group. but it isnt just about food; its about people andat building something meaningful. Even if it wasnt a creating experiences that go beyond whatsperfect fit, it was a step forward in understanding our expected.organizations needs and the kind of people who will As a restaurateur, Guidara set out to foster athrive here. people-first environment that balanced the needs ofIts also a reminder to the individual involved that guests with those of the staff, all while maintaining thetheyre still on their journey, one step closer to find-restaurants core mission.ing their true fit. Sometimes, we know what we want. His philosophy was simple: always over-deliverOther times, we figure it out only after we encounter for the guest. But he also understood that theres awhat doesnt work. This journeywhether youre a delicate balance between creating exceptional experi- company seeking the right person or a person looking ences and safeguarding the business itself.for the right roleholds great value in itself. It brought to mind a cautionary tale you might haveCase in point: I recently had to search for my keys, heard about recentlythe endless shrimp fiasco atand when I found them, I told my friend, How come Red Lobster, which backfired spectacularly and single- theyre always in the last pocket you check? He wryly handedly caused that company an $11 million operat- and correctly responded, Because you stop looking ing loss in a single quarter in 2023. As much as wewhen you find them!want to offer limitless value, we also must be mindfulThat said, be proactive in defining what youre look-of sustainability. ing for, whether youre an employer or employee, and The challenge of finding balance is one we as lead- whether youre looking to hire/be hired or shift roles.ers face in any industry. Were tasked with buildingBy coming to the table with clarity on both sides, we organizations that put people first, yet we cant losecan connect people with their best possible job fits, sight of our businesss needs. Striking this balance isntaligning values, goals, and potential.easy, but its necessary. It requires a constant assess- So, heres to the leaders who remain committed ment of whats best for everyone involvedemploy- to balancing company growth with the growth of the ees, customers, and the organization itself. people who make it possible, and to the individuals One popular motto in business is, Sometimesbold enough to seek the roles where theyll thrive. That you have to sacrifice one for the good of the many.clarity, on both sides, is where true alignmentand Personally, Im not sure I buy into that. I believe that,successbegin.SW74/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2024'