b'BRING ITON!New IPSA board president set to lead with purpose.By Aimee Nielson, Seed World U.S. EditorSCOTT SANDERS,the newly elected president of the Independent Professional Seed Association (IPSA), approaches his leadership role with a mix of opti-mism and pragmatism. Generally, my outlook for independent seed com-panies is positive, he begins, making it clear that he is no stranger to the obstacles ahead. That is not to say we dont have some serious challenges facing us; competition, consolidation (both on and off the farm), a landscape that is changing at an increasing rate, and navigating the advancements in seed technology. The industry is rapidly evolving, with multinational cor-porations exerting growing influence, yet Sanders firmly believes independent seed companies possess unique strengths that will enable them to thrive.Now more than ever, independent seed companies have an opportunity to further differentiate themselves to our farmers and double down on our ability to serve that farmer, he says. Looking ahead to the next five to 10 years, Sanders envisions a dynamic industry landscape where agility, customer focus and innovation will define success. In the next five to 10 years, independent seed com-panies will face a mix of challenges and opportunities. Those that can adapt to technological changes, focus on niche markets, maintain strong customer relationships, and embrace sustainability will be well-positioned for suc-cess, he states. While the competition from the giants is fierce, Scott Sanders is charting aSanders is confident that the demand for differentiated positive course for independents. products, specialized traits and localized solutions will create significant opportunities for independents.6/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2025'