b'Sanders married his wife Andi in 2020. Pictured here with their daughter Bowie, 14 and their son 1-year-old son Harrison.This deep connection to local markets enables independ- The ability to be agile, customer-focused, and willing to ent seed companies to stay nimble in their response to evolvingexperiment with new technologies and approaches will deter-market dynamics, from changes in weather patterns and cropmine the long-term success of independent seed companies in a diseases to fluctuating economic conditions. rapidly evolving market, he explains.Being hands-on and having a direct line of communicationSanders is particularly proud of the farmer-centric approach with farmers allows us to make adjustments that are both timelythat independents can take when it comes to innovation. and relevant, Sanders says.As independent seed companies, we can truly keep the When weather conditions demand changes in plantingfarmer as our No. 1 focus, he says. He contrasts this with the schedules or when a pest outbreak threatens crops, independ- approach of larger multinationals, which he feels are often dis-ents can pivot and support their farmers with customizedtracted by market share and top-line revenue. The large multi-recommendations, product alterations or additional resources.nationals will say they keep a farmer-focused approach, but in This adaptability not only builds trust but strengthens long-termreality, it doesnt play out that way. relationships, cementing the role of independent seed compa- By focusing on real-world solutions that address farmers nies as integral partners to farmers success. needs, independents can stand apart from their larger competitors.Innovation as a Cornerstone of SuccessInnovation is essential for independent seed companies toEmbracing Non-Genetic Innovationsremain competitive in an industry increasingly dominated byNon-genetic innovations represent another area where independ-consolidation, Sanders asserts.ent seed companies can differentiate themselves. He sees innovation as a multifaceted effort that canThere are certainly a few and these are the areas independents encompass product development, digital tools, customerhave an easier time implementing and larger corporations have a engagement, and sustainability initiatives.harder time replicating, Sanders says, reiterating that personalized JANUARY 2025SEEDWORLD.COM /9'