b'A look at seed industry developments around the globe.Australia invests in plantSTATUS AUSTRALIA STATUS CANADA more than six times the eco-A $13.6 million plant pro- The value of canola to thenomic impact.protein, value of Canadiantein project aims to supportCanadian economy has more The economic contribu-canola doubles and GhanaAustralian growers and the pro- than doubled in the pasttion of canola-based biofuel develops first GM Crop. cessing sector in meeting thedecade, and now generatesproduction rose from $70 mil-increasing demand for plant- an average of $43.7 billionlion to $1.1 billion in 2022/23.based protein both domesti- annually, according to a newThe growth of the indus-cally and internationally. independent analysis releasedtrys impact is driven by The four-year research ini- by the Canola Council ofseveral factors. The eco-tiative, based at the HorshamCanada (CCC).The canolanomic benefits from canola SmartFarm, is a collabora- sector supports an average ofare higher when prices and tion between the Victorian206,000 jobs and $16.3 billionvolumes produced are higher. Government, the Grainsin wages for Canadians fromOver the years covered in the Research and Developmentcoast to coast. report there was impressive Corporation (GRDC), andThe report was developedeconomic value-add in the industry partners. The projectby GlobalData Plc, a leadingcanola sector, peaking in the is funded by $2.4 million fromagri-business research firm.most recent year included in the Victorian Government,GlobalData used best prac- the analysis, 2022/23.$8.8 million from GRDC ontices for economic analysis behalf of Australian grainto calculate total impact, jobs growers, and $2.4 million fromand wages that are generatedSTATUS GHANAindustry contributors. as Canadian canola is devel- After over a decade of Victorian Minister foroped, grown, processed andresearch, the Council for Agriculture Ros Spenceutilized. The report includesScientific and Industrial highlighted the importance ofthe latest data for 2022/23Research-Savanna Agricultural collaboration within the grainsand previous years (which areResearch Institute (CSIR-SARI) industry to advance researchofficially revised and updatedlaunches pod borer-resistant supporting the supply chainsover time), and presents(PBR) cowpea for commer-ability to meet global con- averages of the three years,cial cultivation in Ghana. PBR sumer needs for plant-based2020/21-2022/23. This iscowpea is the first genetically protein products. the fifth time GlobalDatamodified (GM) crop to be The project brings(formerly LMC International)developed in the country.together 13 subcontractors,has done this analysis on theCowpea is a vital crop rich food and ingredient manu- canola value chain. in protein used for human facturers, processors, andThe study also showsand livestock consumption. an international partner tohow significantly canolasHowever, the pod borer pests address the full value chain.impact has grown over thechallenged the productivity It will generate data to helplast decade, along with theof cowpeas, causing up to processors source pulseimpact of domestic pro- 80% yield losses. Thus, PBR grains with the specific qualitycessing expansion and thecowpea was developed to attributes needed for variousburgeoning biofuels market.eradicate the harmful effects markets and assist breedersSince 2012/13: of pests and provide higher in developing market-driven The total wage impactyields to farmers.pulse varieties. of the sector has increasedAlhaji Shani Alhassan GRDC Board Chair Sharonmore than 80% to its 2022/23Saibu, Northern Regional Starick noted the importancepeak, adding over $8 billionMinister, said that the release of this research in support- in wages to the Canadianof this variety shows the ing Australian pulse growerseconomy. governments commitment and processors while align-Domestic canola pro- to advancing agriculture and ing production with marketcessing and refining haveimproving the lives of the demands. expanded significantly andGhanaian people.SWin 2022/23, now generates 52/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2025'