b'Seed World U.S. Announces INSIDER of the YearSeed Worlds INSIDERS shape the seed industrys future, with one leader standing out for his vision and commitment to change. By Madeleine Baerg, Director of ContentIF YOUVE BEENin the seed industry for any time at all, youll know ofand quite likely knowJim Schweigert. Schweigert is the President of Gro Alliance, a mover and shaker in business, a connector of ideas and people, a skilled leader and a tireless advocate for the seed industry. Hes also the man behind the pen of Gro Alliances Insiders columns in Seed World U.S., regularly sharing top-notch thought leadership and perspective. For all these reasons, and because the Gro Alliance Insider columns are some of our most-read pieces, were thrilled to announce that Gro Alliance, with Jim Schweigert at the helm, is our Seed World Insider of the Year!The Seed World Insiders program amplifies the seed indus-trys top minds, sharing insights and perspectives that shape the sector. Its a platform for tackling agricultures biggest challenges and engaging with key issues.Most importantly, they are an opportunity for ag leaders to connect. Though our industry isSeed Worlds Madeleine Baerg presents the Insider of the Year the seed sector, what really drives the business of seed is authen- award to Jim Schweigert, president of Gro Alliance.tic human connection: people connecting people. HAVE YOU CAUGHT ALL OF JIMS COLUMNS OVER THE Why Does Storytelling Matter?The seed industry is really, really good at sharing information:LAST YEAR? HERE ARE SOME OF OUR VERY FAVORITESstatistics, figures, details, research and facts. It tends to be not nearly so good at telling its own story. Why does that matter? InWill AI Chat Bots Make Agronomists Obsolete?todays world, actively shaping a corporate and sector narrativeImagine sitting across the table during an interview with an agronomistboth within the sector and externally to legislators, consumers and the general public is a critical part of building the part- candidate who knows everything: every soil type, every slope percentage, the nerships that drive business, helping direct policy, maintainingdetails of every disease over the past 20 years and the performance of every seed social license to operate, and so much more.variety on every acre since 1999. Congratulations, you just hired an AI chatbot Schweigerts commitment to writing Seed World Insiderbut what do you lose when you give up the human element of agronomy? columns is just one piece in his broader effort to telling Gro Alliancesand more broadly, the seed sectorsstory. He seesRecent Dicamba Decision Shows U.S. Courts Dont Understand the Timing of the it as opportunityand necessity. Ag Cycle"If we dont tell that story, others are going to get to writeFebruary 2024s dicamba decision by the U.S. District Court in Arizona caught the those chapters for us," Schweigert says. "And they might notentire nations seed supply chain off guard. This entire situation shows all of us have the best interest of farmers, agriculture or the seed industryin the seed business just how much work there is to do in educating the courts, in mind." regulators and legislators on the timing and cycles of agriculture.He has this piece of advice for how capture maximum impact from the narrative-building effort: "Its just being your authenticClimate Crisis Battle: Agriculture vs The Sphereselfand telling your story from the perspective that you have,"The Sphere in Las Vegas is reported to use as much electricity as 21,000 homes. he says. "What are your challenges? What are your opportuni- This seems to be indulgence in the grandest sense. So why is the sustainability ties? What frustrates you, and what makes life great? Sharingfinger pointed at ag?those real stories cuts through all the noise."SW38/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2025'