b'PARTNER CONTENTHow to Win From the Start in SoybeansA s farmers push planting earlier each year to cover more acres and maximize growing potential, they face a grow-ing challenge: early planting exposes seeds and emerging soybean seedlings to cold, often wet ground. Harsh, slow-growing conditions weaken seedlings, making them more susceptible to disease pressure, which threatens stand establishment and, ulti-mately, yield potential.As soybean farmers know, two of the most significant threats to soybeans during early growth stages are Phytophthora and Pythium, water molds that thrive in wet, warm or cold compacted soils. Left unchecked, these pathogens can cause damping-off and significant stand loss, robbing farmers of the strong start their crops need to succeed. Fortunately, advances in seed treat-ment technologies are offering new ways to protect against these early-season challenges.Farmers are used to buying crop insurance, Travis Ander- Multiple modes of action are essential for protecting crops son, Technical Sales Manager at Corteva Agriscience, says.in diverse and unpredictable conditions, says Anderson. By Seed treatment is seed emergence insurance. Its the first step inlayering different active ingredients, these blends not only deliver ensuring a strong start to the season. The key is selecting the rightsuperior protection against diseases and pests but also reduce the treatment that offers comprehensive protection. risk of resistance, setting the stage for higher yield potential and long-term sustainability.Layered ProtectionTo combat Phytophthora and Pythium and other early-seasonProven Performancethreats, Corteva has developed two soybean seed treatmentInvesting in the right soybean seed treatment delivers measur-blends designed to provide layered protection. By combiningable returns. Results from 638 head-to-head field trials compar-multiple modes of action into these all-in-one soybean seeding Lumisena fungicide seed treatment (0.568 fl oz/cwt) and treatments, these blends create a best-in-class early-seasonMetalaxyl (0.75 fl oz/cwt)showed yield advantages of up to four defensive shield.bushels per acre in areas with higher susceptibility to Phytoph-At the core of both products is Lumisena fungicide seed treat- thora. Even in less-affected fields, farmers see consistent gains, ment, an industry-leading fungicide seed treatment that deliversmaking these blends a cost-effective tool for maximizing profits.unmatched protection against Phytophthora, the top yield-rob- The robust soybean seed treatment solutions from Corteva bing disease in soybeans.are designed with farmers and retailers in mind, offering superior Lumisena is truly game-changing, Andrew Stein, Seed Ap- application and handling properties. Streamlined formulations plied Technology Technical Sales Manager at Corteva, says. Itensure easy mixing, consistent coating, and reliable coverage, provides enhanced protection against Phytophthora, far exceed- minimizing downtime and maximizing efficiency. This ease of ing what traditional seed treatment active ingredients can offer. use allows applicators to deliver high-quality results while giving The soybean seed treatments from Corteva combine the powergrowers peace of mind.of Lumisena with additional advanced technologies, including Lumiflex fungicide seed treatment and Lumiante fungicideThe Bottom Lineseed treatmentand Phalanx insecticide seed treatment, to de- These soybean seed treatments offer more than just protectionliver comprehensive early-season protection. The C-2023FI blendthey deliver peace of mind. With layered defenses, industry-lead-provides two modes of action against Phytophthora, Pythium,ing fungicides including Lumisena, and user-friendly applica-Rhizoctonia, and Fusarium, one mode of action against Phomop- tion, Corteva provides farmers with the tools they need to tackle sis, as well as broad-spectrum insect protection. For even moreearly planting challenges and secure a successful growing season.enhanced defense, the C-3023FI blend builds on these strengthsWhen it comes to battling top yield-robbing diseases and by adding an extra mode of action against both Phytophthora andpests, a robust soybean seed treatment is foundational to a suc-Pythium, ensuring the most robust protection against soybeanscessful growing season, Stein says.biggest early-season threats. Content provided by Corteva.JANUARY 2025SEEDWORLD.COM /37'