b'PARTNER CONTENTGreenLeaf Genetics:Reflecting on 20 Years of Collaboration with Independent Seed CompaniesHear from Dave Treinen, industry veteran and leader of GreenLeaf Genetics, as the company celebrates its 20th anniversary of licensing corn traits and germplasm, supporting independent seed companies with innovative solutions and lasting partnerships.T his year marks the 20th anniversaryNow a wholly owned subsidiary ofand technologies to meet the challenges of GreenLeaf Genetics, a pivotalSyngenta since 2010, GreenLeaf licensesof increasing yields, improving resilience player in licensing corn traits andcorn and soybean germplasm and cornand reducing environmental impacts. At corn and soybean germplasm. Headedtrait technologies to over 100 companiesthe same time, the regulatory landscape by industry veteran Dave Treinen, theacross the United States and Canada.has become more complex. company is celebrating its legacy ofIndependent seed companies represent aGreenLeaf has navigated industry fostering innovation and supportingsignificant market share in the industry,changes by introducing innovations such independent seed companies across Northwith an estimated 25% of U.S. corn andas Syngentas DuracadeVipteraa America. 35% of the U.S. soybean market. trait stack that offers comprehensive pest With a rich career spanning cropTo me, this speaks to the resilience ofcontrol, targeting both above-ground protection and seed businesses, Trein- independent seed companies and theirthreats and below-ground pests like corn en brings an insider perspective toability to adapt and thrive, says Treinen.rootworm. GreenLeafs journey.Focusing on their customer needs andFarmers needs are changing, so weve Ive been fortunate to witness thethe knowledge they bring with productgot to be in tune with what theyre looking evolution of the ag industry, he says.selection and placement have enabledfor. We direct that back into our research From launching Roundup Ready cropsthem to grow.and development to ensure were bring-to working with cutting-edge germplasmThat same spirit of partnership anding products that meet current and future and trait technologies, my passion hasreliability is what Treinen believes setsneeds, Treinen says. always been enabling independent seedGreenLeaf apart, particularly its commit- Looking ahead, Treinen anticipates companies to thrive. ment to building trust.continuous adaptability and growth for Our teams credibility and dedicationGreenLeaf. A Legacy of Adaptation and Growth allow us to have meaningful conversationsIts hard to believe its been 20 years Founded in December 2004 and expandedwith our partners, he says. That trust,since GreenLeaf was founded, but when as a joint venture between Syngenta andcoupled with our products competitiveI look at the progress weve made and the DuPont Pioneer two years later, GreenLeafperformance, is what keeps us at the tablepartnerships weve built, Im proud of entered the market during a period of20 years later. how far weve come, Treinen says. Many rapid consolidation.of the independent seed companies we Independent seed companies wereNavigating a Changing Landscape work with are family-owned and multi-searching for options. They were lookingOver the past 20 years, the seed industrygenerational and were grateful for the for alternative genetics and differenti- has undergone remarkable transforma- privilege to support them in their growth ated technology, explains Treinen. Wetion, driven by advancements in technol- and success.launched GreenLeaf with 50 companiesogy, evolving agricultural practices and aThats always been our goal, and as as customers in our first year, and re- growing emphasis on sustainability. Withwe look toward the next 20 years, it will markably, 75% of them are still customersthat, farmers and independent seed com- remain our focus.today. panies have embraced new genetic traitsContent supplied by GreenLeaf Genetics.JANUARY 2025SEEDWORLD.COM /51'