b'SEED EDUCATIONSowing the Seeds of Change: Working Together for Better Access to Quality SeedCINDY HICKS Communications III, Iowa State University Seed Science Centercghicks@iastate.eduseeds.iastate.eduA RESPECTED COLLEAGUEused to say, To achieve lastinglenges and devise practical solutions. Witnessing their determina-peace, you must first eliminate hunger. This perspective hastion to enhance seed availability was a powerful reminder of our really shaped my understanding of the work we do at the Iowashared mission.State University (ISU) Seed Science Center (SSC). Our missionAdditionally, we proudly support the USDAs National Seed extends far beyond essential seed testingits about promotingHealth System, which upholds the integrity of international seed food security, supporting global stability, and ensuring farmerstrade. By certifying seed labs and ensuring adherence to strin-worldwide have access to quality seed.gent standards, we play a crucial role in maintaining a secure This year marks 135 years of seed testing at ISU. Over themarketplace. This work protects crops and fortifies the liveli-past century, weve evolved into one of the most comprehensivehoods of breeders, growers, and processors, internationally.seed labs in the world, testing over 350 seed types for more thanHowever, there is still work to be done. A recent visit to Ghana 600 pathogens. This meticulous approach ensures farmers havehighlighted the stark reality facing many farmers: access to qual-access to seeds capable of producing healthy, abundant crops,ity seeds remains a significant hurdle, globally. The relationships while paving the way for advancements that shape the future ofwe build and the skills we help develop make a real, measurable agriculture. If a seed test doesnt exist, we can develop it here.impact in communities, where good seed access can lead to But our impact extends beyond the laboratory. Weve leftbetter harvests, more food, and greater stability. footprints in 80 countries over the past 25 years, helping toThe vision is straightforward: imagine a world where every expand producers access to quality seed, facilitate seed trade,farmer has access to quality seeds. The ripple effects would and promote the growth of national seed industries. For instance,transform communities, bolster economies, and promote stabil-a recent workshop in Ethiopia united seed professionals andity. At SSC, we enhance food security through rigorous seed test-policy makers from five African nations to tackle regional chal- ing, fostering thriving communitiesone seed at a time.CHITOSAN SEED TREATMENTHow to Stand Out in the Independent Seed BusinessLEVI TIPTON Seed Treatment Account Manager, Tidal Grow AgriSciencetidalgrowag.comlevit@tidalvisionusa.comIN THE COMPETITIVE SEEDindustry, independent compa- Tip #3: Work with Like-Minded, Independent Partnersnies must go beyond standard offerings to stand out. EmbracingAs an independent, your identity is tied to delivering reliability, innovative seed enhancements creates measurable value forinnovation, and trust. Partnering with independent, U.S.-based, customers. Tidal Grow AgriScience helps independents thrivesustainability-minded companies reinforce your brands integrity with proven strategies to set your business apart. and allows you to deliver on growers desire for ethical, forward-thinking solutions.Tip #1: Collaborate to Enhance Your Seed TreatmentsIndependents thrive by partnering with companies that amplifyTip #4: Choose Easy-to-Apply, Safe Technologiestheir strengths. To be successful today and into the future, inde- Growers value seed enhancements that are effective, easy to apply, pendents should look to integrate next generation seed enhance- and safe. Partnering with providers of technologies, like precisely ment technologies into their existing treatments. Advancedformulated chitosan seed treatments, allows you to offer ultra-low-solutions strengthen pest control and boost plant resilience byrate solutions that are both seed-safe and applicator-friendly. These triggering immune responses. The right partnerships empowerinnovations simplify customers lives, deliver cutting-edge perfor-customers and solidify your role as a trusted, innovative provider. mance, and position your business as a leader.Tip #2: Leverage Unique Modes of Action (MOAs) Tip #5: Focus on Innovation, Not TraditionResistance management is one of the toughest challenges grow- Independent seed companies can honor tradition while embrac-ers face today. Conventional treatments often rely on a single-siteing change. By blending new technologies, such as chitosan with mode of action, which can lose effectiveness over time. Seedproven strengths, you offer growers unique solutions that respect enhancement leaders are turning to biosolutions for diverse,your heritage and future-proof your business. Tidal Grow is here to multi-pathway control, boosting resilience. These innovationshelp you stand out with innovative, sustainable seed enhancements help your company stand out and offer growers lasting solutions. solutions: Science powered by nature.JANUARY 2025SEEDWORLD.COM /23'