b'PARTNER CONTENTSeeds are at the Heart of FarmingBy: Fermin Azanza, Global Head of Research, Limagrain Field Seeds A t Limagrain, we believe that seeds are at the heart of agriculture and are committed to bringing innova-tion to farmers through genetic improve-ments to our seeds. As a plant breeder with a strong interest in how genetics help plants overcome challenges, this focus perfectly aligns with my own vision for how I can best contribute to the industry. Most companies look at agriculture as a whole, addressing multiple elements that can contribute to farmers yields. These can include seed improvements, but also crop protection, seed treatments, digital technologies and many other com-ponents. As a pure seed specialist, Limagrain Field Seeds doesnt sell chemicals or digital packages, and we dont package our seeds with other services. We focus on what we do best: plant breeding andwheat, maize, barley or sunflower are notTheir guidance allows us to continually improving seed genetics. Farmers are freelimited by geography. The germplasmchallenge and refocus research targets to plant our seeds while also choosingcan move easily along the same latitudesfor crops grown in France and around the the other components they need for suc- around the globe. Thats why we reinvestworld.Every technology that can deliver cessful crops from chemical companies.a significant percentage of our turnover inon this mission is a priority for us. Limagrains plant breeders spend yearsresearch and have established a presence Humans have been breeding plants with their varieties before they are com- in most agriculturally important coun- since the beginning of agriculture, saving mercialized, and therefore have a uniquetries. We are selective about the crops weseeds from their best plants to grow the understanding of their behaviors andimprove to ensure that our seeds havefollowing years crop. The pace at which preferences. We then use this intimatevalue across a broad range of countries.we improve crops has accelerated in re-knowledge of our varieties to guide and I also lead the sustainability strategycent decades. These days, plant breeding advise farmers on how to get the very bestfor Limagrain Field Seeds. For me, agri- is a fast-evolving field that requires many out of them in their own situations, andculture is truly sustainable when it allowsdifferent technologies, and we invest this adds a lot of value for farmers.farmers to successfully grow crops in anheavily in the development of those that Throughout my 30-year career, Iveever-changing climate while at the samehelp plant breeders access new diversity managed research activitiesfrom bio- time respecting the environment. and do their work quicker and more ef-tech to plant breedingfor a variety ofThere is no question the challengesficiently. Many of those advanced breed-field seed crops and Im passionate aboutfarmers face due to climate change areing technologies are crop independent, so how our research efforts create value forcomplicated due to drought, diseases andonce theyre developed in one crop, were farmers. As global head of research formore. Plant breeding carries with it thein an excellent position to implement Limagrain Field Seeds, I manage a teamhuge potential to deliver sustainable solu- them in the next one, accelerating speed of over 1,000 scientists working on mul- tions and yield stability in increasinglyto market.tiple crops at 60 research stations on sixcomplex environments.Ultimately, farmers buy seeds, not continents.Limagrain is a cooperative and we gettechnologies. So, the success of any tech-If you want to be competitive in thisa significant amount of direction from ournology we implement is measured by how business, your infrastructure, missionfarmers, whose agricultural practices aremuch value our seeds bring to the people and vision must be global. Crops likebeing impacted by a changing climate.who grow them.JANUARY 2025SEEDWORLD.COM /17'