b'Is the Sky Actually Falling??IM HEARING FROMa number of seed companiesworld has always had its share of instability, and yet that are nervous about their future, wondering if nowshere we arestill growing, still innovating, still thriving.the time to sell, hunker down or bet the farm to con- So how do we, as leaders, guide our teams through tinue to grow.these times? If you listen to the media, youd think the sky isFirst, we need to balance awareness of the nega-falling. Every headline warns us to brace for impacttives with a focus on the positives. Acknowledge thewhether its inflation, interest rates, trade tariffs orchallenges, but dont let them overshadow the oppor-political turmoil. Its a constant drumbeat of fear, andtunities. the ag industry isnt immune to it. But heres the thing: is there really a storm? Or are SHAWN BROOK,we just being conditioned to think theres one brewing?Seed World GroupTen years ago, a weather forecast for 90F didnt President come with warnings of severe conditions. Today, every weather app blares about some form of impend-ing doom. Its the same with the newsbreaking news now seems to break every five minutes, whether its warranted or not. This relentless cycle of fear keepsAgriculture, like any other industry,people glued to their screens, but it also stirs up unnec- has always experienced ebbs and flows. essary anxiety.Agriculture, like any other industry, has alwaysUncertainty isnt new. Whats new is thisexperienced its ebbs and flows. Uncertainty isntculture of constant alarmism. new. Whats new is this culture of constant alarm-ism. Companies are being told to fear the unknown, to avoid making decisions until every variable is accounted for. But guess what? That perfect moment never comes.The companies that succeed are the ones that embrace uncertainty. They make decisions with the information they have, accepting that they wont have all the answers. They understand that sitting on theSecond, we need to remind our teams that cer-sidelineskicking the can down the roadisnt atainty is a myth. Decisions will always involve some strategy; its a slow death. level of risk. What matters is making informed choices, Ive seen it time and again: companies that lean intonot perfect ones.the unknown, that take calculated risks, are the onesFinally, lets shift our mindset. Instead of fearing that come out ahead. They gain market share. Theywhat might happen, lets focus on what we can make build stabilitynot because they waited for the stormhappen. The sky isnt falling. Its just a little cloudyto pass, but because they didnt believe the storm wasand weve weathered worse.all that catastrophic to begin with. The companies that thrive in 2025 and beyond will Yes, challenges exist. Inflation, interest rates, andbe the ones that stay grounded, make bold decisions, geopolitical shifts are real. But theyre not new. Theand refuse to let fear dictate their future.SW56/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2025'