b'RISING SEEDMeet 21 exceptional students from seed science programs across the U.S., driving STARS innovation and addressing agricultures biggest challenges. By Aimee Nielson, Seed World U.S. EditorUNIVERSITY SEED LABSand seed science programs are integral components of seed research and education in the United States. Many universities across the country have dedicated facilities and academic programs focused on seed science, reflecting the important role seeds play in global food security, crop innovation and sustainable agriculture. From insti-tutions like Iowa State University and Colorado State University to Cornell, North Carolina State University and more, these programs foster a multidisciplinary approach to seed research, encompassing genetics, plant breeding, seed pathology and biotechnology.These seed labs and programs serve as hubs of innovation and education, preparing the next generation of professionals to address challenges such as climate change, pest resistance and the demand for higher crop yields. Universities often collaborate with industry partners, government agencies and international organizations, ensuring their research remains relevant and impactful. The breadth and diversity of these programs under-score the United States leadership in seed science, with students and researchers making groundbreaking contributions to agri-culture both domestically and globally.I reached out to professors at universities across the United States to identify exceptional students in seed science programs, and the response was truly inspiring. The creative and ground-breaking work these students are pursuing is a testament to their brilliance and dedication. They represent a vital part of our indus-trynot just in the future, but here and now. I was just going to feature 20 students, but could not narrow it down further than 21.As you read through these profiles with summarized com-ments from the nominators, organized alphabetically, I hope youll be as encouraged as I am by their passion and potential. If you know any of these remarkable individuals, take a moment to congratulate them. Encourage them as they carve out their paths and prepare to make meaningful, lasting contributions to the seed value chain. 26/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2025'