b'customer service, tailored agronomic advice and flexible supply chain and distribution models are examples of areas where inde-pendents can excel. Being able to tailor our agronomic advice, field demonstrations and visits, and customized seed applications or treatments allows us to stand out from our competition. Independents also have an advantage in integrating technology solutions that address specific farmer needs. Staying knowledgeable of your customers needs or stresses will help the independent pick and choose those solutions that create solutions to real issues facing our local farmers, he says.Farmers have a unique understanding The Importance of Strategic PartnershipsFor Sanders, strategic partnerships are key to the long-term suc- of their purpose and its critical to cess of independents. independents long-term success to Partnerships with research universities or centers, technology companies and other industry players will be crucial for the futureunderstand how they fit into that purpose. success of independents, he emphasizes.Scott SandersHe adds that these partnerships provide access to advanced research, new breeding technologies, and co-branded solutions, giving independents a competitive edge. Strategic collaborations will enable independents to focus on their strengths, such as customer service and local market exper-tise, while tapping into external expertise, resources, and technolo-gies that can help them thrive, he explains.Leading at Peterson Farms SeedsAs general manager of Peterson Farms Seeds, Sanders is responsible for overseeing day-to-day operations, but his approach is anything but routine. My job is to create a professional environment that allows our talented team to do what they do well for our customers, he says, emphasizing that listening is a key part of his leadershipAt Peterson, we have four main pillars of our team: Integrity, philosophy. Our customers will tell us how they need us to showContribution, Excellence and Positive Attitude, he shares, up and our team members will typically tell us how we can bestexplaining that these values guide every aspect of the companys serve our customers.operations and are reflected in his approach to leadership. Not This emphasis on active listening aligns with his vision foreverything will always go your way, but how you handle those IPSA, where he seeks to leverage the collective expertise of inde- adversities and how you show up every day for those around you pendent seed companies to drive progress. is what makes up your DNA as a leader. Peterson Farms Seeds differentiates itself through a relentlessSanders married his wife Andi in 2020. Together they have focus on serving farmers and fostering innovation.a 14-year-old daughter, Bowie, a one-year-old son Harrison and Carl and Julie Peterson started the company 30 years agotwo labrador retrievers named Mitch and Joon. Sanders said hes with the sole focus of helping their neighbors grow more bush- fortunate to spend a lot of time with his immediate and extended els. And in 30 years, that remains our sole focus, Sanders says,family. They like to spend time on the lake, in the trees and on the adding that the company continually seeks new ways to inno- golf course. vate and improve the farmer experience. We experiment so ourMy family provides me with an authentic purpose, he said. I farmers dont have to.got married and am having kids later in life. For a long time, every-From evaluating trait and genetic options to enhancingthing was about me and my personal life. Having a more focused seed packaging and delivery, Sanders says the entire team atpurpose has helped me galvanize what is important to me and dial Peterson Farms Seeds is dedicated to providing exceptionalin my why.service and value. Sanders believes independent companies need to prioritize understanding their why and providing that to their farmers. Family Values and Purpose Farmers have a unique understanding of their purpose and Family values play a central role in Sanders leadership, both atits critical to independents long-term success to understand Peterson Farms Seeds and within IPSA.how they fit into that purpose, he says.SW10/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2025'