b'RISING SEED STARSEmalee Wrightstone Cornell UniversityWrightstone, a Ph.D. candidate in plant breeding and genetics, is making signifi-cant contributions to crop biofortification research. Her projects focus on uncov-ering genetic regulators of carotenoid metabolism to improve nutritional quality in crops. She has mapped genes influenc-ing fruit flesh color in melon and bicolor peel in Cucurbita maxima, while employ-ing cutting-edge techniques like proxim-ity labeling to identify novel proteins in carotenoid biosynthesis.Recognized for her research excel-Seren St. Clair Villwocklence, she has earned accolades such Cornell University as the International Carotenoid SocietyVictor ZayasCornell UniversitySt. Clair Villwock, a Ph.D. candidate,presentation award and an invitation toZayas, a Ph.D. candidate in plant breed-integrates quantitative genetics andthe Georgina Gosnell Seminar series.ing, is leading critical research to combat molecular biology to enhance cropBeyond research, she leads as chair ofImpatiens Downy Mildew (IDM), a nutritional and medicinal traits. Herthe Plant Breeding Handbook Committeefungal disease that has devastated the work includes leading field trials inand holds key roles in Synapsis, Cornellsimpatiens market. His work focuses on Nigeria with the NextGen Cassavagraduate student association. Her pas- breeding IDM-resistant Impatiens walle-Breeding Project and mentoringsion for plant genetics and communityriana through traditional breeding and in peers as co-president of Cornellsengagement positions her as a futurevitro techniques, resulting in interspecific Synapsis Plant Breeding Graduateleader. hybrids that could revive the popular-Organization. ity of this key crop. His contributions are A 2024 NAPB Borlaug Scholardocumented in a forthcoming publication and USDA NIFA predoctoral fellow,in Acta Horticulturae.she is deeply committed to equi- As lab manager for the Plant table plant breeding practices. SheTissue Culture and Micropropagation has also implemented agriculturalLaboratory, he co-authored papers on training programs for former childhemp micropropagation and has been soldiers in Uganda through the Davisrecognized for his excellence in teach-Projects for Peace. Her expertise anding with Cornells Outstanding Graduate passion for plant genetics positionTeaching Assistant Award. His persever-her as a rising leader in agriculturalance through challenges like the pan-research. demic and dedication to supporting peers and students underscore his impact. Melinda ZubrodWashington State UniversityZubrod is advancing winter wheat breeding by integrating multispectral data to improve selection processes. Her research focuses on quantifying herbicide tolerance using multispectral sensors, specifically analyzing crop responses to metribuzin and quizalofop. Her work aims to standardize herbicide injury evaluation, enabling breeders to make more informed decisions while supporting sustainable wheat production and weed management strategies. In her first year, she presented at a national plant phenotyping meetinga rare honor for a new graduate studentand is already drafting manuscripts for publication. She contributes as a mentor to undergraduate interns and serves on the Plant Science Symposium Planning Committee. Her passion, leadership, and research excellence posi-tion her as a future leader in plant breeding and phenotyping.32/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2025'