b'RISING SEED STARSLuis MonserrateCornell UniversityMonserrate, a Ph.D. candidate, is advancing hemp breeding by combining historical insights with modern genomics to develop groundbreaking cultivars for grain and fiber. His work focuses on breeding hemp for large seed size and low THC content, demon-strating that larger seeds improve germination rates, early establishment and weed competition. He has also created genetic mapping populations to identify genes con-trolling seed size and quality traits.A skilled communicator and mentor, he has been the lead presenter at Cornell Hemp Field Day for two consecutive years and has guided undergraduate interns to produce award-winning research. He excels in fieldwork, lab techniques, and bioinformatics, effectively managing a team for field trials and post-harvest processing. His passion for impactful research and his dedication to growers make him a future leader in plant breeding and the hemp industry.Lucas Berger MunaroUniversity of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignBerger Munaro, a Ph.D. candidate, is advancing wheat breeding with innovative approaches to improve sustainability and profitability for farmers. Recognized as a 2024 NAPB Borlaug Scholar, he has evaluated two decades of multi-environment data to identify genetic gain trends and deployed drones to analyze thousands of breeding Christopher Mujjabicultivars using high-throughputGuilherme Oliveira University of Illinois phenotyping techniques. South Dakota State UniversityMujjabi, a Ph.D. student, is redefiningWith extensive experience inGuilherme Oliveira, a Ph.D. student in organic maize breeding. His researchplant breeding across academiaplant breeding, is advancing oat breed-integrates speed-breeding, genomicand industry, Berger Munaro hasing through innovative genomic selec-selection, and off-season nurseries toco-invented five wheat varietiestion strategies. Building on his masters create high-performing cultivars tailoredreleased in 2022 and served as presi- research in oat breeding in Brazil, he is for organic systems. Mujjabis participa- dent of the Crop Science Graduateinvestigating genome-wide association tory breeding efforts have expandedStudent Organization. His dedicationpeaks for yield-related traits like head-the diversity of the Illinois Elite Maizeto quantitative genetics, data analy- ing date, plant height, and crown rust Association Mapping Panel, incorporatingsis and leadership positions him as aresistance. His work integrates these genetic resources from East Africa andfuture leader in sustainable agricul- insights into genomic prediction models South America. Trials in Iowa and Illinoisture and plant breeding science. to enhance yield selection while balancing have shown promising results, capturingagronomic traits like early maturity and the attention of organic seed companies.short plant height.Beyond his scientific contributions,A dedicated and productive Mujjabi is a mentor for underrepresentedresearcher, Oliveira contributes to all students, organizes internships for inter- aspects of SDSUs oat breeding program, national participants, and leads initiativesfrom fieldwork and milling quality evalu-to inspire agricultural careers. His workation to drone imagery analysis. He has advances organic farming while fosteringdrafted two manuscripts for publication inclusivity and community impact. and actively supports team projects, earning praise for his hard work and col-laboration. His passion and innovative research position him as a future leader in plant breeding and cultivar development.30/ SEEDWORLD.COMJANUARY 2025'