b'FROM OUR DESKWelcome to 2025!IM SURE IM NOT THEfirst person to wish you a Happy New Year, but I hope youre coming off a rest-ful break and were able to spend time with friends and family and recharge! I spent a lot of my time off spoil-ing my dogs (pictured here), seeing my first nephew get married and ringing in the New Year on the Gulf Coast. Makes me feel a little older than Id like to admit!As we step into 2025, its impossible to ignore the significant shifts occurring in the U.S. government. BY AIMEE NIELSON With new leadership in the White House, changes Editor, Seed World U.S. in the House and Senate and key appointments atthe U.S. Department of Agriculture, the agriculture landscape is rapidly evolving. For those of us in the seed industry, these transitions bring both challengesL-R: King Solomon, Teddy, Hey Jude, Oliver,and exciting opportunities. Lets try to put aside ourPrince William (aka Willie Nielson) and Gypsy Flash. political differences and work together for the seedGypsy was supposed to be a chihuahua according to the industrys future. shelter, hint: shes far from it!! We have partnered with Lucky Star Cavalier Rescue for years and love our little The coming year presents a chance for collabora- rescues so much!tion, innovation and growth as new policies take shape. With fresh perspectives entering the leadership roles atthe promise of new government leadership make this USDA and other federal agencies, we can look forwarda pivotal year for growth and creativity across the to a continued focus on strengthening the resilienceindustry.and sustainability of U.S. agriculture and hopefully aAs you browse this issue, I hope you learn some-new Farm Bill. These changes are an opportunity tothing new and find a story your passionate about. engage with lawmakers and regulators to ensure theyMaybe some of our topics will spur an idea for a future fully understand the seed industrys important roleissue. Id love to hear your ideas!in food production, environmental stewardship andAt Seed World, were excited to meet with many of economic growth. you at key events early in the year, including the IPSA One particularly exciting opportunity on the horizonannual meeting in California and the ASTA Flower and is the expiration of patents on certain genetics. ThisVegetable Seed Conference in Orlando. These gather-shift opens doors for smaller, independent companiesings are always a highlight for us, offering a chance to innovate and expand their offerings, creating a moreto learn from, share and connect with you. If youre diverse and competitive marketplace. With access toattending, wed love to meet up for a conversationgenetics that have driven success for years, independ- over coffee, a meal or drinks. Please seek us out!ent companies are well-positioned to deliver value andWe look ahead with optimism, knowing that the choice to farmers while fostering the entrepreneurialseed industry will remain a central part of these spirit that has long defined this sector. conversations. By supporting independent seed The seed industry, with its deep roots in research,companies, embracing open innovation, and fostering development and technology, has always been a driverpartnerships across the agricultural value chain, we can of progress. As we enter 2025, we can be thankful forensure a strong future for U.S. agriculture. Im hoping the ongoing efforts to support agricultural innovation,the leadership shifts will bolster our work to feed the whether through advancements in plant breeding,world and foster sustainability. sustainability initiatives, or addressing the challengesAs always, its an honor to partner with you!of climate change. The expiration of key patents andAimee NielsonJANUARY 2025SEEDWORLD.COM /5'