b'combined genetics of the three species will increasingly replacestable and seed production does not require the crossing of the existing cultivars. distinctive lines in production fields.Were trying to transform the countryside into somethingIn addition, Eckles says the use of hybrid Brachiaria in Brazil thats much more productive now, like the flight of a butterfly,will grow over time despite a higher seed cost due to the excel-says Nicolayevsky. There needs to be a metamorphosis in termslent producer ROI from the improved genetics. In Mexico, of genetics. Papalotla has achieved a market share of 30% with its hybrids To start this metamorphosis, Nicolayevsky says that Papalotlaand this can be achieved in Brazil as the producers become has partnered with a breeding program at the Internationalaware of the benefits. Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Columbia. AccordingGrowth of the hybrid market will be driven by producer to Nicolayevsky, this program took an early lead and Papalotlabenefits, but the resulting higher seed margins have the poten-launched the first hybrid from the program in 2001. tial to convert tropical pasture seed into a highly profitable seed Over the years weve seen what we should focus on in termsindustry comparable to hybrid corn seed. of drought tolerance, salt tolerance, waterlogging and using them for integrative agriculture, Nicolayevsky says.Pasture Seeds for Climate ChangePapalotla will introduce its line of Brachiaria hybrids in BrazilOne of the game-changers about tropical pasture seed in Brazil, through its own operations beginning this year. however, is the aspects it brings to the table to tackle climate Eckles says that there are three main interspecific Brachiariachange.breeding programs today: EMBRAPA, Barenbrug and CIAT/ The first? The introduction of a new cover crop to Brazil. Papalotla. Barenbrug sells a hybrid licensed from Papalotla,Due to the intensity of the usage of soil, depending on the Mulato II, but is now introducing two new hybrids from its ownregion in Brazil, growers can actually have two seasons, Peixoto program and Wolf Seeds and EMBRAPA each have a hybridsays. Meaning, in the summer, growers plant soybeans and Brachiaria in the market.immediately after the soybean harvest, growers can plant corn. According to Eckles, Brachiaria is a naturally apomictic cropUnfortunately, that causes strain on the soil and soil health. that produces seed without pollinationthat seed is geneticallyBut, it opens the door to the possibility of cover crops.identical to the parent, and seed production involves harvestingNow, growers are learning to use cover crops with the corn, seed from the cultivar. This means that hybrids are geneticallyhe says. 86/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2021'