b'A look at seed industry developments around the globe.The European ParliamentSTATUS AUSTRALIA Initiative (BGRI) 2021 Geneties set up by the European released a reeport on theCEFC, the Australian govern- Stewardship Award for theirCommission aimed at achiev-ment-owned clean energylong-standing innovationsing a more sustainable EU newly adopted Farm tofinance corporation andand strategies to combatagriculture in the coming Fork Strategy, while Japanglobal agricultural impactwheat rust in Canada andyears.fund Kempen SDG Farmlandaround the world. Euroseeds welcomes the has begun selling a tomatoFund have each made aThe BGRI Generecognition of the value of variety developed withAUS$50m (32m) corner- Stewardship Award is theplant breeding, including plant stone investment in a newpremier recognition forbreeding innovation, and the gene editing technologyvehicle managed by Gunnresearchers serving a nationalimportance of ensuring thethe first of its kindAgri Partners. breeding program or othersecurity and diversity of seed put commercially on theThe Transforming Farmingnationally based institution forin the report as a precondi-Platform will span mixed farm- their contribution to wheattion to achieve the objectives Japanese market. ing assets across the mainrust resistance research. Theof the Farm to Fork strategy. cropping areas of AustraliaAAFC team developed aPlant breeding remains the and will focus capital invest- model and standard for thekey input for EU farmers ment in underperformingpreservation of the importantand will become even more small to medium farms to helprust resistance genes thatimportant as other inputs get lift productivity and optimiseintegrates pathology withrestricted.land use. genetics and the developmentA proportionate regula-CEFC CEO, Ian Learmonth,of rust resistant germplasmtion for the different types of said: Smaller-scale, mixed- with combinations of effectiveseeds and breeding methods use Australian farms canrust resistance genes. and safeguarding the single reap considerable benefitsThe award was presentedmarket for seeds are critical by using data-backed beston Oct. 8 at the BGRI 2021for for EU seed companies practice farming techniquesTechnical Workshop. to remain highly diversified, to increase profitability andWith a core team ofsupply a wide portfolio of productivity while cuttingwheat breeders, patholo- species and cover the diverse their carbon footprint. This isgists, cytogeneticists andgeographical areas of the EU2. a win-win development formolecular biologists, theIt will allow the seed sector farmers, agriculture and emis- AAFC team has maintainedto effectively respond to the sions reduction. an enduring commitmentParliaments requests regard-The project has supportprotecting wheat in Canadaing seeds and plant breeding from research groups suchand around the globe, saidas stated in the report.as Australias research insti- Ronnie Coffman, vice-chairHowever, it must be tute, the CSIRO, and it aimsof the BGRI and professorunderlined that the late to deliver energy efficiencyin Cornells Department ofpublication of the Joint improvements to farms, opti- Global Development. TheyResearch Centres report mise production, soil carbonare collaborators who workon the impact of the EUs (capture), promote biodiver- across disciplines and bor- objectives has made it almost sity and achieve other envi- ders to provide support andimpossible to fully address ronmental outcomes. germplasm to develop rust- its findings in the discussion Source: IPE Real Assets resistant cultivars. and the final text. Euroseeds strongly supports the clear call from the Parliament to STATUS CANADA STATUS EU perform such comprehen-The rust-resistant wheatThe European Parliamentsive Impact Assessment cultivar development teamreport on the Farm to Forkwhich must no longer be at Agriculture and Agri-Foodstrategy adopted today out- ignored by the Commission. Canada (AAFC) earnedlines the Parliaments positionCommission, Member States the Borlaug Global Ruston the big political priori- and Parliament now have 136/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2021'