b'Whenever youre dealing with government andmore advanced, youre working in an industry that is rapidly changingexpect more new ground and discovery is happening on a monumental scale, itsto be brokenwhich will make the hard for government to keep up, says Andy LaVigne,need for focus on behalf of industry leaders even more CEO of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA).important. Their natural reaction is to try to put the brakes onColorados Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS) begins things in some form of policy or regulation and thatsthe second half of 2021 with a renewed focus, having what we fear most [in the seed industry]. completed a strategic restructuring, which CEO Scientists are making rapid improvements to theTatiana Henry says frees up resources to enhance the way farmers grow cropsso fast, in fact, regula- companys wheat breeding programs, which include a tory bodies cant keep up. From defining what newpartnership with Limagrain Cereals Research Canada technologies aresuch as CRISPR and other gene- (LCRC), a joint venture between Limagrain andGarth Hodges.editing techniquesto understanding what testing isCanadas Canterra Seeds.required, the knowledge gap is only growing. The integration of breeding tools like fast genera-tion cycling, genomic selection and robust field selec-tion means farmers will benefit from advancements in genetics and traits faster than ever before. Were very proud to be able to use these tools to deliver maxi-mum benefit farmers and the agricultural industry, Whenever youre dealing with governmentshe adds.and youre working in an industry that is rapidlySuch innovation is a hallmark of the LCS and LCRC brands. LCRC has two wheat varietiesCS Daybreak changing . its hard for government to keepand CS Accelerateincluded in Canadas Variety up. Their natural reaction is to try to put theUse Agreement initiative, a value creation tool meant to increase plant breeding investment and innovation brakes on things in some form of policy orthats the first of its kind in the country.One of our main breeding focuses is usable traits. regulation and thats what we fear most [in theWe already have two major traits in our breedingAndy LaVigne.seed industry].programa high-amylose trait, which offers high fiber content to consumers, and a Group 1 herbicide tolerantAndy LaVigne trade, which brings some flexibility in weed manage-ment for growers, she says.Were very proud of the work we do. With increas-ingly unpredictable growing conditions and consumer demands for healthy products, its a great time to work Our challenge as an industry and as an associationin wheat development.is, how do we communicate those changes while theresDespite enthusiasm for new technology, Hodges not [yet] a reason to be concerned? LaVigne says.emphasizes that the industry will have to remain And how do we help people see this is a benefit? on guard to ensure public fears over new breeding If a product is revolutionary, that challenge couldtechnologies dont win the day, as the ripple effects of become even more difficult in terms of only thethose fears are often very widespread. Having worked breeding involved, but potential regulatory barrierswithin BASFs Canadian business, he uses Canada as that come along with new technologies. Hodges usesone example.hybrid wheat as an example. Canada is really so dependent on its export mar- Tatiana Henry. Theres a good reason why hybrid wheat has beenkets that its almost as if the export markets are dictat-called a stepchild. Its a challenge, with many conun- ing what kind of technologies and innovations you can drums and difficult steps along the way. Weve beenuse. Thats problematic. Now, there are also macro investing a lot in germplasm and trying to understandchallenges, he says. breeding different hybridization systems, he says.We are so fragmented as an industry, but yet the Seed production has always been a big challengechallenge of societal and environmental acceptance is in hybrid wheat, but its exciting because youre actuallyactually quite consolidated and unique. [Look at] the breaking new ground and youre doing something new. Green Deal in Europe. Thats something that the indus-As cutting-edge breeding techniques becometry needs to think about.SW20/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2021'