b'we hold them to, Schweigert says. Its all about selecting the right growers. EARLIER PLANTED BEANS COULD BOOST SEED TREATMENT SALESIn addition to physically caring for the seeds, companies test the viability with aBecause soybeans are exposed to fungi, disease, insects and nematodes in a cooler and often wetter part of critical eye. Some of this extra informationthe season, seed treatments could prove invaluable. While the majority of soybeans do have some kind of is invaluable to growers. treatmentoften downstreamtheres opportunity to increase sales to non-users or potentially increase rates One thing we really encouragefarmers who want to try early plantedin higher-risk areas.soybeans to look into additional seedObviously certain root rots and diseases become a bit of a challenge, so seed treatments play an important vigor tests such as the cold test, Conleyrole, says Don Kyle, Corteva Agriscience soybean breeding zone evaluation lead. I always encourage people if says. Its typically not provided in seedyoure going to plant early, use seed treatments at their full rate.guide materials, so we encourage them to ask for the information or to have theEarly-season diseases put the plant at a strong disadvantage, even if the disease doesnt physically appear seed tested themselves. until later in the season such as sudden death syndrome (SDS).Because the seed is going into cold soil that might take weeks to warm up toThe earlier you plant, the higher SDS risk we seem to have, says Shawn Conley, University of Wisconsin typical condition, cold germination scoresExtension soybean scientist. There are at least two seed treatment packages that are effective against SDS, could be a critical comparison tool farm- and the commercially available genetics show a range of tolerances with some cultivars showing genetic ers use to pick seed varieties. resistance, so its good to incorporate both options available to farmers.Opportunity for GeneticCompanies that have options to increase fungicide, insecticide or add-on nematode or other actives to seed Improvements treatments could find early planted soybeans are a great opportunity for a new sale.Because genetics are what trulydetermines yield potential, its critical that seed companies consider what genetic improvements can be made for early-planted soybeans. Heavy Particle Separator | N-seriesThe new N-Series ushers in a new level of performance in heavy particle separation.Whats new in the N-series?Adjustable tilt for accurate and consistent separationBuilt-in fan system, variable frequency drive control, and Allen Bradley Interface KeypadIndependent gauges for tilt, feed ow, air balance, and eccentric speed Sealed contaminant discardAll adjustments can be made safely while machine is in operation.Separate air system for operation is not required.Pneumatic actuated heavy discharge gates(s)Standard LED light and observation windowInspection access panelMaximize media reclamation Fully enclosed hood for dust free operationMinimal operator interaction once adjustedScan the code for more information about the N-series Call (719) 254-7813 to learn about your retro tting your existing Oliver separator.Learn about the entire lineup of Oliver processing equipment at olivermanufacturing.com26/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2021'