b'Diversity in Sorghum Markets Breeds SuccessSorghum seed demand continues to increase as established markets grow and moreend-uses are developed.Treena HeinAS A NUTRITIONALpowerhouse with a multitude of estab- for Sorghum Improvement at Kansas State University, explains lished and emerging usesincluding production of the most- that decades ago, breeders in the U.S. started selecting against consumed alcohol in the world, a Chinese liquor called baijiutannins in the grain and brought them to near non-existentthe future looks very bright for the sorghum seed industry. levels. This matters particularly for end-users, particularly live-According to Justin Weinheimer, Sorghum Checkoff Cropstock feeders. Improvement director, the sorghum seed market has remainedSorghum is also already being used in burgeoning newish mostly stable over the last few decades, at least within the U.S.markets where sustainable products are in demand, from fenc-commodity-based grain and broad-acre forage market.ing and insulation to packing peanuts and cat litter. The new However, at the same time, several segments such as grain andmarkets are providing endless opportunities for growers and forage seed exports and food grade, or specialty sorghum seeds,seed companies alike across the U.S.have grown for U.S.-based seed producers, he says, as new end-users drive demand for more attribute-based grain inputs. Seed Company ViewsIn terms of total sorghum grain production around theWith all sorghums versatile uses, its no surprise that S&W world, the U.S. tops all other countries. The grain is used to feedSeed has seen a steady increase in interest for sorghum among humans, companion animals and livestock; and for livestock,U.S. crop farmers over the past two years. Export markets are the stems and foliage are used for green chop, hay, silage andthe greatest driver of demand according to Vice President of pasture feeding as well.Sales and Marketing Mike Eade. And while seed demand for Another traditional strong domestic use is biofuel. At onethe upcoming year is difficult for him to predict, Eade says all time, nearly one-third of the U.S. sorghum crop went into itsmarket indications point to continued strong demand from production.overseas.U.S. sorghum grain exports are stronger than ever. In Mexico,Likely due mostly to export demand for the grain, total U.S., China, Japan and other countries, its used for animal feed, butacreage increased 24% this year over 2020 to 7.3 million acres. opportunities in ethanol production and food product manufac- Farmers use sorghum as a workhorse for their farm, says ture are growing. Being gluten-free and non-GMO, with high pro- Sexton-Bowser, who grows it with her husband at their own tein and antioxidants levels and a low glycemic index, sorghum isoperation. It serves as a commodity in crop production but mar-a very sought-after grain. kets like a specialty grain, so its a valuable crop choice.And demand for U.S. sorghum, in particular, is strong inColleen Shaw, global communications leader at Nuseed, most international markets. Its long held a major competitivenotes that the current estimated 7.3 million acres is the highest advantage due to consistent volumes of production and qualitysince 2015, according to USDA data released in early September. compared to grain produced for export elsewhere in AustraliaShe echoes Eades comments in terms of export demand being and in South American countries, primarily Argentina. Sarahvery strong, with the largest driver of the market right now is Sexton-Bowser, managing director at the five-year-old Centerthe increased feed grain demand in China.120/ SEEDWORLD.COMDECEMBER 2021'